David Ben-Abrahaim Provenzale

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

David Ben-Abrahaim Provenzale [1]

who flourished in the 16th century, was a preacher at Mantua, and was so eloquent that he was styled שבדויו ראש הדרשנים , i.e. the prince of preachers in his generation. He wrote: עַיר דָּוַד , a commentary on the Pentateuch from an archaeological point of view: באור שיר השירים , a commentary on the Song of Songs: הפלגה דור , a comparative lexicon, Hebrew, Latin. Greek, and Italian: and מגדל דוד , a Hebrew grammar. See Furst Bibl. Jud. 3, 123; De Rossi, Dizionario Storico Deyli Autori Ebrei, p. 272 (Germ. transl. by Hamberger); Etheridge, Introduction To Hebrew Literature, p. 288, Steinschneider, Jewish Literature, p. 239. (B. P.)
