Daniel Zacharias

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Daniel Zacharias [1]

an esteemed minister of the German Reformed Church, was born in Washington County, Md., Jan. 14, 1806. He united with the Church under the Rev. James Ross Reily, and soon afterwards commenced his classical studies, preparatory to the ministry, at the Hagerstown Academy, and finished the same in Canonsburg, Pa. Subsequently he entered the Seminary of the Reformed Church, then located in Carlisle, where he completed his theological course under the Rev. Lewis Mayer, D.D. He was licensed and ordained in 1828, and located in York County. In 1830 he took charge of the Reformed Church in Harrisburg, where he continued to labor until 1835, when he removed to Frederick City, Md. Here he labored with great acceptance and success to the close of his long and useful life. He died March 31,1873. Dr. Zacharias was a man of superior natural endowments, high culture, amiable disposition, and more than ordinary pulpit abilities. "Few men have been so loved by their congregations, or have so grown into the affections of the community in which they lived." As a public speaker he was greatly admired, and universally esteemed as a most excellent pastor, genial companion, and trusty friend. He was chosen president of the District Synod in 1835, and of the General Synod in 1866. He aided materially in compiling the hymn- book of the Reformed Church, and also in getting up its present Order of Worship. See Ref. Church Mess. April 9. 1873. (D. Y. H.)
