Creeping Creep Crept

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Creeping Creep Crept [1]

'''A — 1: ἐνδύνω (Strong'S #1744 — Verb — enduno — en-doo'-no )

properly, "to envelop in" (en, "in," duno, "to enter"), "to put on," as of a garment, has the secondary and intransitive significance of "creeping into, insinuating oneself into," and is found with this meaning in  2 Timothy 3:6 . Cp. enduo, "to clothe."

'''A — 2: ἀναστροφή (Strong'S #391 — Noun Feminine — pareisduno — an-as-trof-ay' )

"to enter in by the side" (para, "beside," eis, "in"), to insinuate oneself into, by stealth, to creep in stealthily, is used in  Jude 1:4 .

'''B — 1: ἑρπετόν (Strong'S #2062 — Noun Neuter — herpeton — her-pet-on' )

signifies a "creeping thing" (herpo, "to creep;" Eng., "serpent" is from the same root),  James 3:7 (Rv, "creeping things," for Av, "serpents," which form only one of this genus); it is set in contrast to quadrupeds and birds,   Acts 10:12;  11:6;  Romans 1:23 . See Serpent.
