Cornerstone Corner

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Cornerstone Corner [1]

1: γωνία (Strong'S #1137 — Noun Feminine — gonia — go-nee'-ah )

"an angle" (Eng., "coign"), signifies (a) "an external angle," as of the "corner" of a street,  Matthew 6:5; or of a building, 21:42;  Mark 12:10;  Luke 20:17;  Acts 4:11;  1 Peter 2:7 , "the corner stone or head-stone of the corner" (see below); or the four extreme limits of the earth,  Revelation 7:1;  20:8; (b) "an internal corner," a secret place,  Acts 26:26 . See Quarter.

2: ἀρχή (Strong'S #746 — Noun Feminine — arche — ar-khay' )

"a beginning" (its usual meaning), "first in time, order, or place," is used to denote the extremities or "corners" of a sheet,  Acts 10:11;  11:5 . See Beginning.

Chief.  Ephesians 2:20 1 Peter 2:6
