Charles Andre Vanloo

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Charles Andre Vanloo [1]

called the Caatliere Carlo Vanloo, a French painter, was born at Nice in 1705. He was first instructed by his brother Jean Baptiste, whom he accompanied to Rome and studied under Luti; visited Paris in 1723, where he gained the first prize for historical composition; went again to Italy in 1727, where he studied the works of the masters more thoroughly, and took the prize in design at the Academy of St. Luke; went to the court of Turin, where he painted many pictures; returned to Paris in 1734; was admitted to the Academy in 1735; and was knighted by Louis XV in 1752, and granted a liberal pension for life. He died in 1765. His principal works are, The Apotheosis of St. Isidore, in Rome: St. Francis, and St. Martha, in the same city: a series of subjects from the Jerusalem of Tasso in the royal palace, Turi: The Marriage of the Virgin, in the Gallery of the Louvre. He did important service in reforming the affected and gaudy style then prevalent in the French school. His countrymen are extravagant in his praises; but he may justly be compared with the best of the modern Italian painters. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.
