Catalan (Or Catalonian) Version Of The Scriptures

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Catalan (Or Catalonian) Version Of The Scriptures [1]

Catalan (or Catalonian) Version of the Scriptures

The Catalan is a cognate of the Spanish language spoken in the province of Catalonia. There are two or three Catalan versions of the Bible (one of which bears the date 1407) preserved at Paris. One of these MSS. is deposited in the Royal Library, and contains a translation from the Latin of the entire Scriptures, with the preface of Jerome. Of other translations nothing is known. It was reserved to the British and Foreign Bible Society to furnish the Catalans with a version of the Scriptures in their own, dialect. In 1832 this society printed, at London, an edition of the New Test., as translated by Mr. Prat, a native of Catalonia. A second edition was published in 1835 at London, and a third at Barcelona in 1837. The Psalms and Pentateuch have since been translated, but not yet printed. See Bible of Every Land, p.265. (B. P.)
