
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): (n.) The abandoned and decaying remains of some bulky and once comely thing, as a ship; the skeleton, or the uncovered or unfinished frame, of a thing.

(2): (n.) The living body; - now commonly used in contempt or ridicule.

(3): (n.) A dead body, whether of man or beast; a corpse; now commonly the dead body of a beast.

(4): (n.) A hollow case or shell, filled with combustibles, to be thrown from a mortar or howitzer, to set fire to buldings, ships, etc.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [2]

 Jeremiah 19:7 (a) A term of derision used against the people of Jerusalem who, because of their wickedness, were to fall under the sword of their enemies.

 Matthew 24:28 (a) Here we have a reference to any corrupt community, city or nation which God must of necessity disapprove and remove. The vultures represent GOD's judgment upon the corrupt and dead condition that exists among these people.
