Bury Burial Burying

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Bury Burial Burying [1]

'''A — 1: ἐνταφιασμός (Strong'S #1780 — Noun Masculine — entaphiasmos — en-taf-ee-as-mos' )

lit., "an entombing" (from en, "in," taphos, "a tomb"), "burying," occurs in  Mark 14:8;  John 12:7 . Cp. B 1

'''A — 2: ταφή (Strong'S #5027 — Noun Feminine — taphe — taf-ay' )

"a burial" (cp. No. 1, and Eng., "epitaph"), is found in  Matthew 27:7 , with eis, "unto," lit. "with a view to a burial (place) for strangers."

'''B — 1: ἐνταφιάζω (Strong'S #1779 — Verb — entaphiazo — en-taf-ee-ad'-zo )

see A, No. 1, "to prepare a body for burial," is used of any provision for this purpose,  Matthew 26:12;  John 19:40 .

'''B — 2: θάπτω (Strong'S #2290 — Verb — thapto — thap'-to )

occurs in  Matthew 8:21,22 , and parallels in Luke;  Matthew 14:12;  Luke 16:22;  Acts 2:29;  5:6,9,10; of Christ's "burial,"  1 Corinthians 15:4 .

'''B — 3: συνθάπτω (Strong'S #4916 — Verb — sunthapto — soon-thap'-to )

akin to A. 2, "to bury with, or together" (sun), is used in the metaphorical sense only, of the believer's identification with Christ in His "burial," as set forth in baptism,  Romans 6:4;  Colossians 2:12 .
