Blaisio Ugolino

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

a Jewish convert of Venice, born in 1748, is best known as the editor of a stupendous work under the title Thesaurtus Antiquitatum Sacrarum conmplectens Selecfissima Clarissimorum Virorum Opuscula, in quibus Veterum Hebraeorum Mores, Leges, Instituta, Ritus Sacri et Civiles I'llustrantur (Venet. 1744-69, 34 vols. fol.). This Thesaurus contains what the title indicates. The republic of learning of the 17th and 18th centuries is here represented. The names of Buxtorf, Trigland, Witsius, Goodwin, Hottinger, Pfeiffer, Sigonius, Rhenferd, Bonfrere, Selden, Lowth, Reland, Huet Bochart, Cellarius, Prideaux, Clavering, Opitz, Van Til, Carpzov, Saubertius, Spencer, Deyling, Wagenseil, etc., are found among the contributors to the Thesaurus, which forms a library in itself. Of course most .of the works of the authors mentioned are published separately, but, being scarce, this Thesaurus swill always be perused with great profit by such as have the good luck to be near great libraries which can afford to keep this stupendous work on their shelves. Besides the scholars mentioned above, the editor himself has largely contributed to this work. His translations of the Midrashim and some of the Talmudical treatises, found in vol. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, are of great importance. The following is a general index of the contents:

Vol. 1 treats of sacred seasons among the Jews. Vol. 2, 3, and 4 treat of Jewish antiquities. Vol. 5 and 6 relate to sacred geography. Vol. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 bear upon the tabernacle, Temple, priesthood, and all matters connected with the same.

Vol. 14, 15, 16, and 17 contain translations of the Midrashim, such as Mechilta, Siphra, Siphie, Pesikta, and of Tosaphoth, or additions to the Talmud. Vol. 18, 19 and 20 contain translations of different Talmudical treatises. Vol. 21. treats of the synagogue, rites, phylacteries, and prayers of the Jews.

Vol. 22 treats of Jewish sects and proselytes. Vol. 23 treats of Gentile deities. Vol. 24 treats of Jewish theocracy. Vol. 25, 26 and 27 treat of Jewish civil law. Vol. 28 treats of Jewish, Samaritan, and Phoenician coinage.

Vol. 29 treats of vestments. Vol. 30 has reference to the rites of marriage, divorce, and of Biblical medicine.

Vol. 31 and 32 treat of Hebrew poetry and musical instruments. Vol. 33 relates to mounding and burial rites and usages. Vol. 34 forms a fourfold index to the whole, giving a Index Auctorum, Locoorm S. Scripturce, Dictinum Hebraicarum, and Rerum et Verborum. A complete list of the contents of the single volumes is given by Menusel, Bibliotheca Historica, 1, 1, 118-42; and Darling, Cyclop. Bibliog. s.v. (B. P.)
