Bereft Bereaved

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bereft Bereaved [1]

1: ἀπορφανίζω (Strong'S #642 — Verb — aporphanizomai — ap-or-fan-id'-zo )

lit., "to be rendered an orphan" (apo, "from," with the thought of separation, and orphanos, "an orphan"), is used metaphorically in  1 Thessalonians 2:17 (Av, "taken from;" Rv, "bereaved"), in the sense of being "bereft" of the company of the saints through being compelled to leave them (cp. the similes in 7 and 11). The word has a wider meaning than that of being an orphan.

 John 14:18  James 1:27DesolateFatherless.

2: ἀποστερέω (Strong'S #650 — Verb — apostereo — ap-os-ter-eh'-o )

"to rob, defraud, deprive," is used in  1 Timothy 6:5 , in the Passive Voice, of being deprived or "bereft" (of the truth), with reference to false teachers (Av, "destitute"). See Defraud , Destitute , Fraud.
