Bartolomeo Neroni

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bartolomeo Neroni [1]

called Maestro Riccio, a distinguished Italian painter, who devoted himself especially to sacred art, flourished about 1573. He studied under Giovanni Antonio Razzi, whom he assisted in his works, and whose daughter he married. Lanzi says that Neroni, after the death of the four great pillars of the Sienese school, sustained its reputation and probably educated one of its restorers. His pictures unite the style of Razzi with a certain resemblance to the manner of Vasari in the distribution of his tints. He had excellent abilities in perspective, especially in representing scenery; Andreani has engraved a specimen. He was also greatly skilled in architecture, and had a pension from the magistrates of Lucca for his assistance in the public works. In Siena, at the Osservanti, is a Crucifixion by him, with a great number of figures; and in the church of the Derelitte a Descent from the Cross entirely in the style of Razzi. See Spooner, Biographical History of the Fine Arts, 2:614.
