Backside Back Backward

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Backside Back Backward [1]

1: ὀπίσω (Strong'S #3694 — Adverb — opiso — op-is'-o )

connected with hepomai, "to follow," is used adverbially, of place, with the meaning "back," "backward," in the phrase eis ta opiso, lit., "unto the things behind," in  Mark 13:16;  Luke 9:62;  17:31;  John 6:66;  18:6;  20:14 . Cp.  Philippians 3:13 , "the things which are behind." See Behind.

2: ὄπισθεν (Strong'S #3693 — Adjective — opisthen — op'-is-then )

of place, "behind, after," is rendered "backside" in  Revelation 5:1 , Av (Rv, "back"). See Behind.
