Apparelled Apparel

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Apparelled Apparel [1]

1: ἐσθής Ἔσθησις (Strong'S #2066, #2067 — Noun Feminine — esthes esthesis — es-thace' es'-thay-sis )

connected with hennumi, "to clothe" means "clothing, raiment," usually suggesting the ornate, the goodly. The former is found in  Luke 23:11 , Rv, "apparel" (Av, "robe"); 24:4 (Av, "garments");  Acts 10:30 (Av, "clothing"); 12:21;   James 2:2 (Rv, "clothing," twice; Av, "apparel" and "raiment");   James 2:3 ("clothing"). Esthesis is used in   Acts 1:10 , "apparel." See Clothing.

2: ἱμάτιον (Strong'S #2440 — Noun Neuter — himation — him-at'-ee-on )

a diminutive of heima, "a robe," was used especially of an outer cloak or mantle, and in general of raiment, "apparel" in  1 Peter 3:3 . The word is not in the original in the next verse, but is supplied in English to complete the sentence. See Clothing No. 2, Garment, Raiment, Robe.

3: ἱματισμός (Strong'S #2441 — Noun Masculine — himatismos — him-at-is-mos' )

a collective word, is translated "apparelled" in  Luke 7:25 , and preceded by en, "in," lit., "in apparel." See Clothing , No. 4, Raiment, Vesture.

4: καταστολή (Strong'S #2689 — Noun Feminine — katastole — kat-as-tol-ay' )

connected with katastello, "to send or let down, to lower" (kata, "down," stello, "to send"), was primarily a garment let down; hence, "dress, attire," in general (cp. stole, a loose outer garment worn by kings and persons of rank, Eng., "stole");  1 Timothy 2:9 , "apparel." See Clothing.
