Antonio Margarita (Malgarita, Or Margalitha)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Antonio Margarita (Malgarita, Or Margalitha) [1]

Antonio Margarita (Malgarita, Or Margalitha)

a German rabbi, lived in the early half of the 16th century. His father presided over the synagogue of Ratisbon. He was converted to Christianity in 1522; became professor of Hebrew at Augsburg, Leipsic, Vienna, and finally at Meissen with Schlegel. His works point clearly to his conversion. He wrote, Der sanz. juidisch Glaub, etc. (Augsburg, 1530, 1531;' Frankfort, 1544-61),, in German; Luther' cites this work with praise:-a work comparing the prophecies of the Old and the New Test. (Vienna, 1534):-Duo priora cap. evang. Matthew Hebraice, cunb Dav. Psalmis, etc. (Leips. 1575). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Furst, Biblioth. Jud. ii, 330.
