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(Created page with "Nicolas Le Gros <ref name="term_42446" /> <p> (See Nicolas). </p> ==References == <references> <ref name="term_42446"> [")
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Nicolas Le Gros <ref name="term_42446" />  
<p> (See [[Nicolas]]). </p>
Nicolas Le Gros <ref name="term_52955" />
==References ==
<p> a French theologian, was born at [[Rheims]] in 1675. He distinguished himself in philosophy and theology, and was made canon of the cathedral at Rheims by the archbishop Le Tellier. On account of his opposition to the bull Inigenitus (q.v.), Gros was deposed of his office and excommunicated by Tellier's successor, the archbishop Mailli. Gros had to leave the country, and finally settled. at Utrecht, and was made professor of theology in the seminary at Amersfoort. He died in 1751. Gros published, Du Renversement des Libertes de l'Eglise Gallicane dans l'Afaire de la [[Constitution]] [[Unigenitus]] (1716, 2 volumes): '''''—''''' Manuel du Chretien: '''''—''''' Mditations sur la Concorde des Evangiles (Paris, 1730, 3 volumes): '''''—''''' Mediations sur l'Epitre aux Romains (1735, 2 volumes): '''''—''''' Meditations sur les Epitres Catholiques (1754, 6 volumes): '''''—''''' Motifs Invincibles d'Attachement a l'Eglise Romaine pour des Catholiques: '''''—''''' La Sainte Bible Traduite (Cologne, 1739): '''''—''''' [[Dogma]] Ecclesiae circa Usuram ''Expositum Et Vindicatum.'' See Jocher, Allgeneines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Les Nouvelles Ecclesiastiques of January 30 and February 6, 1753; Memoires pour Servir d l'Histoire Ecclesiastiquee, etc., volume 4; Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.) </p>
== References ==
<ref name="term_42446"> [,+nicolas+le Nicolas Le Gros from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_52955"> [ Nicolas Le Gros from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>