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(Created page with "Table Of Showbread <ref name="term_8507" /> <p> See Shewbread , Table Of . </p> ==References == <references> <ref name="term_8507"> [")
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Table Of Showbread <ref name="term_8507" />  
<p> See [[Shewbread]] , Table Of . </p>
Table Of Showbread <ref name="term_69011" />
==References ==
<p> This was made of shittim wood overlaid with gold. For the tabernacle it was two cubits in length, one cubit in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height. It had an ornamental crown and border, with another crown around its edge. The table was put in the holy place on the north side. Besides the twelve loaves there were on the table, dishes, spoons, bowls, and covers. &nbsp;Exodus 37:10-16; &nbsp;1 Kings 7:48 . [[Frankincense]] was to be placed on the loaves, and this would need dishes; the spoons were for the incense, and probably the basins for the drink offerings. </p> <p> This table was typical of Israel's place before God in the acceptability of Christ, who, as the true Aaron, maintains them even now before God: it is a perpetual covenant, &nbsp;Leviticus 24:8; and possibly also of God's bounty to man through His people Israel. This was foreshadowed also in the Lord feeding the people through His twelve apostles, and in twelve baskets of fragments remaining. </p>
== References ==
<ref name="term_8507"> [,+table+of Table Of Showbread from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_69011"> [ Table Of Showbread from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>