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== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80780" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80780" /> ==
<p> קיקיזן , &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-7; &nbsp;Jonah 4:9-10 . Michaelis, in his remarks on this subject, says, "Celsius appears to me to have proved that it is the <em> kiki </em> of the Egyptians." He refers it to the class of the <em> ricinus, </em> the great <em> catapucus. </em> According to Dioscorides, it is of rapid growth, and bears a berry from which an oil is expressed. In the Arabic version of this passage, which is to be found in Avicenna, it is rendered, "from thence is pressed the oil which they call oil of <em> kiki, </em> which is the oil of Alkeroa." So [[Herodotus]] says: "The inhabitants of the marshy grounds in [[Egypt]] make use of an oil, which they term the <em> kiki, </em> expressed from the Sillicyprian plant. In [[Greece]] this plant springs spontaneously, without any cultivation; but the [[Egyptians]] sow it on the banks of the river and of the canals; it there produces fruit in great abundance, but of a very strong odour. When gathered, they obtain from it, either by friction or pressure, an unctuous liquid, which diffuses an offensive smell, but for burning it is equal in quality to the oil of olives." This plant rises with a strong herbaceous stalk to the height of ten or twelve feet; and is furnished with very large leaves, not unlike those of the plane tree. [[Rabbi]] Kimchi says that the people of the east plant them before their shops for the sake of the shade, and to refresh themselves under them. Niebuhr says, "I saw, for the first time at Basra, the plant <em> eikeroa, </em> mentioned in Michaelis's ‘Questions.' It has the form of a tree. The trunk appeared to me rather to resemble leaves than wood; nevertheless, it is harder than that which bears the Adam's fig. Each branch of the keroa has but one large leaf, with six or seven foldings in it. This plant was near to a rivulet, which watered it amply. At the end of October, 1765, it had risen in five months' time about eight feet, and bore at once flowers and fruit, ripe and unripe. Another tree of this species, which had not had so much water, had not grown more in a whole year. The flowers and leaves of it which I gathered withered in a few minutes; as do all plants of a rapid growth. This tree is called at Aleppo, <em> palma Christi. </em> An oil is made from it called <em> oleum de keroa; oleum cicinum; oleum ficus infernalis. </em> The [[Christians]] and Jews of Mosul (Nineveh) say, it was not the <em> keroa </em> whose shadow refreshed Jonah, but a sort of gourd, <em> el-kera, </em> which has very large leaves, very large fruit, and lasts but about four months." The epithet which the prophet uses in speaking of the plant, "son of the night it was, and, as a son of the night it died," does not compel us to believe that it grew in a single night, but, either by a strong oriental figure that it was of rapid growth, or akin to night in the shade it spread for his repose. The figure is not uncommon in the east, and one of our own poets has called the rose "child of the summer." Nor are we bound to take the expression "on the morrow," as strictly importing the very next day, since the word has reference to much more distant time, &nbsp; Exodus 13:14; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 6:20; &nbsp;Joshua 4:6 . It might be simply taken as <em> afterward. </em> But the author of "Scripture Illustrated" justly remarks, "As the history in Jonah expressly says, <em> the </em> Lord prepared this plant, no doubt we may conceive of it as an extraordinary one of its kind, remarkably rapid in its growth, remarkably hard in its stem, remarkably vigorous in its branches, and remarkable for the extensive spread of its leaves and the deep gloom of their shadow; and, after a certain duration, remarkable for a sudden withering, and a total uselessness to the impatient prophet." </p> <p> <strong> 2. </strong> We read of the wild gourd in &nbsp; 2 Kings 4:39; that Elisha, being at [[Gilgal]] during a great famine, bade one of his servants prepare something for the entertainment of the prophets who were in that place. The servant, going into the field, found, as our translators render it, some <em> wild gourds, </em> gathered a lapful of them, and having brought them with him, cut them in pieces and put them into a pot, not knowing what they were. When they were brought to table, the prophets, having tasted them, thought they were mortal poison. Immediately, the man of God called for flour, threw it into the pot, and desired them to eat without any apprehensions. They did so, and perceived nothing of the bitterness whereof they were before sensible. This plant or fruit is called in [[Hebrew]] פקעות and פקעים . There have been various opinions about it. [[Celsius]] supposes it the <em> colocynth. </em> The leaves of the plant are large, placed alternate; the flowers white, and the fruit of the gourd kind, of the size of a large apple, which, when ripe, is yellow, and of a pleasant and inviting appearance, but, to the taste intolerably bitter, and proves a drastic purgative. It seems that the fruit, whatever it might have been, was early thought proper for an ornament in architecture. It furnished a model for some of the carved work of cedar in Solomon's temple, &nbsp; 1 Kings 6:18; &nbsp;1 Kings 7:24 . </p>
<p> קיקיזן , &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-7; &nbsp;Jonah 4:9-10 . Michaelis, in his remarks on this subject, says, "Celsius appears to me to have proved that it is the <em> kiki </em> of the Egyptians." He refers it to the class of the <em> ricinus, </em> the great <em> catapucus. </em> According to Dioscorides, it is of rapid growth, and bears a berry from which an oil is expressed. In the Arabic version of this passage, which is to be found in Avicenna, it is rendered, "from thence is pressed the oil which they call oil of <em> kiki, </em> which is the oil of Alkeroa." So [[Herodotus]] says: "The inhabitants of the marshy grounds in Egypt make use of an oil, which they term the <em> kiki, </em> expressed from the Sillicyprian plant. In [[Greece]] this plant springs spontaneously, without any cultivation; but the [[Egyptians]] sow it on the banks of the river and of the canals; it there produces fruit in great abundance, but of a very strong odour. When gathered, they obtain from it, either by friction or pressure, an unctuous liquid, which diffuses an offensive smell, but for burning it is equal in quality to the oil of olives." This plant rises with a strong herbaceous stalk to the height of ten or twelve feet; and is furnished with very large leaves, not unlike those of the plane tree. Rabbi Kimchi says that the people of the east plant them before their shops for the sake of the shade, and to refresh themselves under them. Niebuhr says, [["I]] saw, for the first time at Basra, the plant <em> eikeroa, </em> mentioned in Michaelis's ‘Questions.' It has the form of a tree. The trunk appeared to me rather to resemble leaves than wood; nevertheless, it is harder than that which bears the Adam's fig. Each branch of the keroa has but one large leaf, with six or seven foldings in it. This plant was near to a rivulet, which watered it amply. At the end of October, 1765, it had risen in five months' time about eight feet, and bore at once flowers and fruit, ripe and unripe. Another tree of this species, which had not had so much water, had not grown more in a whole year. The flowers and leaves of it which [[I]] gathered withered in a few minutes; as do all plants of a rapid growth. This tree is called at Aleppo, <em> palma Christi. </em> An oil is made from it called <em> oleum de keroa; oleum cicinum; oleum ficus infernalis. </em> The [[Christians]] and [[Jews]] of Mosul (Nineveh) say, it was not the <em> keroa </em> whose shadow refreshed Jonah, but a sort of gourd, <em> el-kera, </em> which has very large leaves, very large fruit, and lasts but about four months." The epithet which the prophet uses in speaking of the plant, "son of the night it was, and, as a son of the night it died," does not compel us to believe that it grew in a single night, but, either by a strong oriental figure that it was of rapid growth, or akin to night in the shade it spread for his repose. The figure is not uncommon in the east, and one of our own poets has called the rose "child of the summer." Nor are we bound to take the expression "on the morrow," as strictly importing the very next day, since the word has reference to much more distant time, &nbsp; Exodus 13:14; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 6:20; &nbsp;Joshua 4:6 . It might be simply taken as <em> afterward. </em> But the author of "Scripture Illustrated" justly remarks, "As the history in Jonah expressly says, <em> the </em> Lord prepared this plant, no doubt we may conceive of it as an extraordinary one of its kind, remarkably rapid in its growth, remarkably hard in its stem, remarkably vigorous in its branches, and remarkable for the extensive spread of its leaves and the deep gloom of their shadow; and, after a certain duration, remarkable for a sudden withering, and a total uselessness to the impatient prophet." </p> <p> <strong> 2. </strong> We read of the wild gourd in &nbsp; 2 Kings 4:39; that Elisha, being at [[Gilgal]] during a great famine, bade one of his servants prepare something for the entertainment of the prophets who were in that place. The servant, going into the field, found, as our translators render it, some <em> wild gourds, </em> gathered a lapful of them, and having brought them with him, cut them in pieces and put them into a pot, not knowing what they were. When they were brought to table, the prophets, having tasted them, thought they were mortal poison. Immediately, the man of God called for flour, threw it into the pot, and desired them to eat without any apprehensions. They did so, and perceived nothing of the bitterness whereof they were before sensible. This plant or fruit is called in [[Hebrew]] פקעות and פקעים . There have been various opinions about it. [[Celsius]] supposes it the <em> colocynth. </em> The leaves of the plant are large, placed alternate; the flowers white, and the fruit of the gourd kind, of the size of a large apple, which, when ripe, is yellow, and of a pleasant and inviting appearance, but, to the taste intolerably bitter, and proves a drastic purgative. It seems that the fruit, whatever it might have been, was early thought proper for an ornament in architecture. It furnished a model for some of the carved work of cedar in Solomon's temple, &nbsp; 1 Kings 6:18; &nbsp;1 Kings 7:24 . </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35546" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35546" /> ==
<p> '''1.''' &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-10. So Augustine, the Septuagint, and the [[Syriac]] explain the Hebrew qiqayown; so modern Jews and Christians at Mosul (Nineveh). In gardens the arbor is often shaded with leaves of the bottle gourd; but the treelike sudden growth of the Ricinus , Ρalma [[Christi]] , or castor oil plant make it the more likely; so [[Jerome]] describes it, "within a few days you see the plant grown into a little tree"; and Celsius identifies it with the Punic and Syriac el keroa , or Ricinus , and the Hebrew is evidently from the [[Egyptian]] kiki , the same plant. The leaves are large and palmate, like a hand with outspread fingers (whence comes the name, Ρalma Christi ), with serrated lobes. [[Castor]] oil is made from the seeds. </p> <p> '''2.''' Wild gourds (&nbsp;2 Kings 4:38-41), paqot . It resembles the vine; and as several of the Cucurbitaceoe , melons, pumpkins, etc., from their juiciness, in a hot climate are favourite articles of food, a noxious sort might easily be mistaken for a wholesome kind. The squirting or wild cucumber (Εcbalium elaterium; the fruit opening, from paaqah "to open," and scattering its seeds when touched) and the colocynth (about the size of an orange) are such. The latter is favoured by the old versions, and its derivation also suits the dry gourds, when crushed, bursting or opening with a crashing noise. </p> <p> Gozan. A river (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 5:26; &nbsp;2 Kings 17:6; &nbsp;2 Kings 18:11). There the captive [[Israelites]] were transported by [[Shalmaneser]] and Esarhaddon. Now the Kizzit Ozan, the golden river of Media, which rises in [[Kurdistan]] and ultimately falls into the White River, and so into the Caspian Sea. A country also bore the name of the river, Gauzanitis (Ptolemy, Geog. v. 18); Mygdonia is the same name with the "M" prefixed. So [[Habor]] was a region and a river (the Khabour, the affluent of the Euphrates). The region is one of great fertility (Layard, [[Nineveh]] and Babylon). G. in G. Rawlinson's view was the district on the river Habor or Khabour. </p>
<p> '''1.''' &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-10. So Augustine, the Septuagint, and the [[Syriac]] explain the Hebrew qiqayown; so modern Jews and Christians at Mosul (Nineveh). In gardens the arbor is often shaded with leaves of the bottle gourd; but the treelike sudden growth of the Ricinus , Ρalma [[Christi]] , or castor oil plant make it the more likely; so [[Jerome]] describes it, "within a few days you see the plant grown into a little tree"; and Celsius identifies it with the Punic and Syriac el keroa , or Ricinus , and the Hebrew is evidently from the [[Egyptian]] kiki , the same plant. The leaves are large and palmate, like a hand with outspread fingers (whence comes the name, Ρalma Christi ), with serrated lobes. [[Castor]] oil is made from the seeds. </p> <p> '''2.''' Wild gourds (&nbsp;2 Kings 4:38-41), paqot . It resembles the vine; and as several of the Cucurbitaceoe , melons, pumpkins, etc., from their juiciness, in a hot climate are favourite articles of food, a noxious sort might easily be mistaken for a wholesome kind. The squirting or wild cucumber (Εcbalium elaterium; the fruit opening, from paaqah "to open," and scattering its seeds when touched) and the colocynth (about the size of an orange) are such. The latter is favoured by the old versions, and its derivation also suits the dry gourds, when crushed, bursting or opening with a crashing noise. </p> <p> Gozan. [[A]] river (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 5:26; &nbsp;2 Kings 17:6; &nbsp;2 Kings 18:11). There the captive [[Israelites]] were transported by [[Shalmaneser]] and Esarhaddon. Now the Kizzit Ozan, the golden river of Media, which rises in [[Kurdistan]] and ultimately falls into the White River, and so into the Caspian Sea. [[A]] country also bore the name of the river, Gauzanitis (Ptolemy, Geog. v. 18); Mygdonia is the same name with the [["M"]] prefixed. So [[Habor]] was a region and a river (the Khabour, the affluent of the Euphrates). The region is one of great fertility (Layard, [[Nineveh]] and Babylon). [[G.]] in [[G.]] Rawlinson's view was the district on the river Habor or Khabour. </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_16154" /> ==
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_16154" /> ==
<p> It has been supposed that Jonah's gourd was the Ricinus Communis, or castor-oil plant. It grows in the East to the height of eight to twelve feet, and one species much higher. Its leaves are large, and have six or seven divisions, whence its name of [[Palma]] Christi. Since, however, it is now known that in the vicinity of the ancient Nineveh, a plant of the gourd kind is commonly trained to run over structures of mud and brush, to form booths in which the gardeners may protect themselves from the terrible beams of he Asiatic sun, this goes far to show that this vine, called in the Arabic ker'a, is the true gourd of Jonah. If the expression, "which came up in a night," &nbsp;Jonah 4:10 , is to be understood literally, it indicates that God "prepared" the gourd, &nbsp;Jonah 4:6 , by miraculously quickening its natural growth. </p> <p> The WILD GOURD is a poisonous plant, conjectured to mean the colocynth, which has a cucumber-like vine, with several branches, and bears a fruit of the size and color of an orange, with a hard, woody shell, within which is the white meat or pulp, exceedingly bitter, and a drastic purgative, &nbsp;2 Kings 4:39 . It was very inviting to the eye, and furnished a model for the carved "knops" of cedar in Solomon's temple, &nbsp;1 Kings 6:18 &nbsp; 7:24 . </p>
<p> It has been supposed that Jonah's gourd was the Ricinus Communis, or castor-oil plant. It grows in the East to the height of eight to twelve feet, and one species much higher. Its leaves are large, and have six or seven divisions, whence its name of [[Palma]] Christi. Since, however, it is now known that in the vicinity of the ancient Nineveh, a plant of the gourd kind is commonly trained to run over structures of mud and brush, to form booths in which the gardeners may protect themselves from the terrible beams of he Asiatic sun, this goes far to show that this vine, called in the Arabic ker'a, is the true gourd of Jonah. If the expression, "which came up in a night," &nbsp;Jonah 4:10 , is to be understood literally, it indicates that God "prepared" the gourd, &nbsp;Jonah 4:6 , by miraculously quickening its natural growth. </p> <p> The [[Wild]] [[Gourd]] is a poisonous plant, conjectured to mean the colocynth, which has a cucumber-like vine, with several branches, and bears a fruit of the size and color of an orange, with a hard, woody shell, within which is the white meat or pulp, exceedingly bitter, and a drastic purgative, &nbsp;2 Kings 4:39 . It was very inviting to the eye, and furnished a model for the carved "knops" of cedar in Solomon's temple, &nbsp;1 Kings 6:18 &nbsp; 7:24 . </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31684" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31684" /> ==
<li> Wild gourds (&nbsp; 2 Kings 4:38-40 ), Heb. pakkuoth, belong to the family of the cucumber-like plants, some of which are poisonous. The species here referred to is probably the colocynth (Cucumis colocynthus). The LXX. render the word by "wild pumpkin." It abounds in the desert parts of Syria, Egypt, and Arabia. There is, however, another species, called the Cucumis prophetarum, from the idea that it afforded the gourd which "the sons of the prophets" shred by mistake into their pottage. <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated [[Bible]] Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Gourd'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
<li> Wild gourds (&nbsp; 2 Kings 4:38-40 ), Heb. pakkuoth, belong to the family of the cucumber-like plants, some of which are poisonous. The species here referred to is probably the colocynth (Cucumis colocynthus). The [[Lxx.]] render the word by "wild pumpkin." It abounds in the desert parts of Syria, Egypt, and Arabia. There is, however, another species, called the Cucumis prophetarum, from the idea that it afforded the gourd which "the sons of the prophets" shred by mistake into their pottage. <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from [[M.G.]] Easton [[M.A.,]] [[D.D.,]] Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Gourd'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51214" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51214" /> ==
<p> <strong> GOURD </strong> ( <em> kîkâyôn </em> , &nbsp; Jonah 4:5 ). The similarity of the Heb. to the Egyp. <em> kiki </em> , the castor-oil plant, suggests this as Jonah’s gourd. This plant, <em> Ricinus communis </em> , often attains in the East the dimensions of a considerable tree. The bottle-gourd, <em> Cucurbita lagenaria </em> , which is often trained over hastily constructed booths, seems to satisfy the conditions of the narrative much better. </p> <p> <strong> Wild gourds </strong> ( <em> pakkû‘ôth </em> , &nbsp; 2 Kings 4:39 ) were either the common squirting-cucumber ( <em> Ecballium elalerium </em> ), one of the most drastic of known cathartics, or, more probably, the colocynth ( <em> Citrullus colocynlhis </em> ), a trailing vine-like plant with rounded gourds, intensely bitter to the taste and an irritant poison. </p> <p> E. W. G. Masterman. </p>
<p> <strong> [[Gourd]] </strong> ( <em> kîkâyôn </em> , &nbsp; Jonah 4:5 ). The similarity of the Heb. to the Egyp. <em> kiki </em> , the castor-oil plant, suggests this as Jonah’s gourd. This plant, <em> Ricinus communis </em> , often attains in the East the dimensions of a considerable tree. The bottle-gourd, <em> Cucurbita lagenaria </em> , which is often trained over hastily constructed booths, seems to satisfy the conditions of the narrative much better. </p> <p> <strong> Wild gourds </strong> ( <em> pakkû‘ôth </em> , &nbsp; 2 Kings 4:39 ) were either the common squirting-cucumber ( <em> Ecballium elalerium </em> ), one of the most drastic of known cathartics, or, more probably, the colocynth ( <em> Citrullus colocynlhis </em> ), a trailing vine-like plant with rounded gourds, intensely bitter to the taste and an irritant poison. </p> <p> [[E.]] [[W.]] [[G.]] Masterman. </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_47827" /> ==
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_47827" /> ==
<p> Jonah's gourd makes the thing itself memorable, which without the circumstance referring to him, would have formed nothing more important in the church than any other plant. The Hebrews called it Kikajon. The wild gourd is of another genus, and called Pekaah. It is said to be so bitter, that it is called "the gall of the earth." Some have thought, that Jonah's gourd is the same as the Palma Christi. </p> <p> See [[Palm]] Tree. </p> <p> I would only observe under this article of Jonah's gourd, how beautiful a lesson was the prophet taught (and, consequently, we ought to learn from it,) had he been wise to have improved it, how little to be valued are all earthly comforts, which even a poor worm of the earth may destroy. A night brings forth our worldly enjoyments; and a night is more than enough to destroy them. Oh! how blessed to live upon an unchangeable God in Christ, "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever!" </p>
<p> Jonah's gourd makes the thing itself memorable, which without the circumstance referring to him, would have formed nothing more important in the church than any other plant. The Hebrews called it Kikajon. The wild gourd is of another genus, and called Pekaah. It is said to be so bitter, that it is called "the gall of the earth." Some have thought, that Jonah's gourd is the same as the Palma Christi. </p> <p> See [[Palm]] Tree. </p> <p> [[I]] would only observe under this article of Jonah's gourd, how beautiful a lesson was the prophet taught (and, consequently, we ought to learn from it,) had he been wise to have improved it, how little to be valued are all earthly comforts, which even a poor worm of the earth may destroy. [[A]] night brings forth our worldly enjoyments; and a night is more than enough to destroy them. Oh! how blessed to live upon an unchangeable God in Christ, "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever!" </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70149" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70149" /> ==
<p> '''Gourd.''' 1. &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-10. The plant intended is the Ricinus communis, or castor-oil plant, which, a native of Asia, is now naturalized in America, Africa, and the south of Europe. 2. The wild gourd of &nbsp;2 Kings 4:39, gathered by one of "the sons of the prophets," is a poisonous gourd, supposed to be the colocynth, which bears a fruit of the color and size of an orange. Orientals can easily understand the cause of the mistake. </p>
<p> '''Gourd.''' 1. &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-10. The plant intended is the ''Ricinus communis,'' or castor-oil plant, which, a native of Asia, is now naturalized in America, Africa, and the south of Europe. 2. The wild gourd of &nbsp;2 Kings 4:39, gathered by one of "the sons of the prophets," is a poisonous gourd, supposed to be the colocynth, which bears a fruit of the color and size of an orange. Orientals can easily understand the cause of the mistake. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_66279" /> ==
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_66279" /> ==
<p> <i> qiqayon. </i> This was some gourd of rapid growth that afforded Jonah needed shelter. &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-10 . The margin of the R.V. calls it the <i> Palma Christi. </i> Others identify it with the <i> Lagenaria vulgaris, </i> which is often seen in [[Palestine]] as affording shelter. It grows rapidly, but rapidly withers, as by the gnawing of its bark by a snail, etc. Its fruit, emptied of seeds, is used for bottles. </p>
<p> <i> qiqayon. </i> This was some gourd of rapid growth that afforded Jonah needed shelter. &nbsp;Jonah 4:6-10 . The margin of the [[R.V.]] calls it the <i> Palma Christi. </i> Others identify it with the <i> Lagenaria vulgaris, </i> which is often seen in [[Palestine]] as affording shelter. It grows rapidly, but rapidly withers, as by the gnawing of its bark by a snail, etc. Its fruit, emptied of seeds, is used for bottles. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_40516" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_40516" /> ==
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== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60537" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60537" /> ==
<p> GOURD, n. A plant and its fruit, of the genus Cucurbita. There are several species, as the bottle-gourd, the shell-gourd or calabash, the warted gourd, &c. The shell is sometimes used for a piggin or for a bottle. </p>
<p> [[Gourd,]] n. [[A]] plant and its fruit, of the genus Cucurbita. There are several species, as the bottle-gourd, the shell-gourd or calabash, the warted gourd, &c. The shell is sometimes used for a piggin or for a bottle. </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15706" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15706" /> ==