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== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15874" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35106" /> ==
<p> [[Among]] the Israelites, the dung of animals was used only for manure, but, when dried, for fuel. In districts where wood is scarce, the inhabitants are very careful in collecting the dung of camels and asses; it is mixed with chopped straw, and dried. It is not unusual to see a whole village with portions of this material adhering to the walls of the cottages to dry; and towards the end of autumn it is piled in conical heaps or stacks on the roof. It is employed in heating ovens, and for other similar purposes, Ezekiel 4:12-16 . The use of dung for manure is intimated in Isaiah 25:10 . </p>
<p> Used as manure and fuel. [[Straw]] was trodden in the water of the dungheap to make it manure (compare Psalms 83:10). Isaiah 25:10, "Moab shall be trodden down ... as straw is trodden down for the dunghill"; also Isaiah 5:25, margin The dung sweepings of the streets were collected in heaps at fixed places outside the walls, e.g. "the dung gate" at [[Jerusalem]] (Nehemiah 2:13), and thence removed to the fields. The dunghill is the image of the deepest degradation (Psalms 113:7; Lamentations 4:5; 1 Samuel 2:8). [[Manure]] is inserted in holes dug about the roots of fruit trees to the present day in S. Italy (Luke 13:8). The dung of sacrifices was burnt outside the camp (Exodus 29:14). In Malachi 2:3, "I will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts," the point is, the maw was the priests' prequisite (Deuteronomy 18:3); you shall get the dung in the maw , instead of the maw . </p> <p> The sanctity of the Israelites' camp through Jehovah's presence is made the ground for rules of cleanliness such as in Deuteronomy 23:12. The removal to separate receptacles, and exposure of human and other ordure, gives the force to the threats, Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29; Ezra 6:11; 2 Kings 10:27; "a draught house," 2 Kings 9:37; 1 Kings 14:10; Jeremiah 8:2. In Isaiah 36:12 the sense is, "Is it to thy master and thee I am sent? Nay, it is to the men off the wall, to let them know that (so far am I from wishing them not to hear), if they do not surrender they shall be reduced to eating their own excrement." (2 Chronicles 32:11). Scarcity of fuel necessitated the use of cows' dung and camels' dung, formed in cakes with straw added, for heating ovens as at this day; but to use human dung implied cruel necessity (Ezekiel 4:12). In Philippians 3:8, "I do count them dung," skubala means "refuse cast to the dogs." </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31248" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77390" /> ==
<li> [[Used]] as fuel, a substitute for firewood, which was with difficulty procured in Syria, Arabia, and [[Egypt]] (Ezekiel 4:12-15 ), where cows' and camels' dung is used to the present day for this purpose. <div> <p> [[Copyright]] StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated [[Bible]] Dictionary, [[Third]] Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Dung'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
<div> 1: Σκύβαλον (Strong'S #4657 — Noun Neuter — skubalon — skoo'-bal-on ) </div> <p> denotes "refuse," whether (a) "excrement," that which is cast out from the body, or (b) "the leavings of a feast," that which is thrown away from the table. Some have derived it from kusibalon (with metathesis of k and s), "thrown to dogs;" others connect it with a root meaning "shred." [[Judaizers]] counted gentile [[Christians]] as dogs, while they themselves were seated at God's banquet. The Apostle, reversing the image, counts the Judaistic ordinances as refuse upon which their advocates feed, Philippians 3:8 . </p> <div> 2: Κοπρία (Strong'S #2874 — Noun [[Feminine]] — koprion — kop-ree'-ah ) </div> <p> "manure," Luke 13:8 , used in the plural with ballo, "to throw," is translated by the verb "to dung." Some mss. have the accusative case of the noun kopria, "a dunghill." See below. </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35106" /> ==
<p> [[Used]] as manure and fuel. [[Straw]] was trodden in the water of the dungheap to make it manure (compare Psalms 83:10). Isaiah 25:10, "Moab shall be trodden down ... as straw is trodden down for the dunghill"; also Isaiah 5:25, margin The dung sweepings of the streets were collected in heaps at fixed places outside the walls, e.g. "the dung gate" at [[Jerusalem]] (Nehemiah 2:13), and thence removed to the fields. The dunghill is the image of the deepest degradation (Psalms 113:7; Lamentations 4:5; 1 Samuel 2:8). [[Manure]] is inserted in holes dug about the roots of fruit trees to the present day in S. [[Italy]] (Luke 13:8). The dung of sacrifices was burnt outside the camp (Exodus 29:14). In Malachi 2:3, "I will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts," the point is, the maw was the priests' prequisite (Deuteronomy 18:3); you shall get the dung in the maw , instead of the maw . </p> <p> The sanctity of the Israelites' camp through Jehovah's presence is made the ground for rules of cleanliness such as in Deuteronomy 23:12. The removal to separate receptacles, and exposure of human and other ordure, gives the force to the threats, Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29; Ezra 6:11; 2 Kings 10:27; "a draught house," 2 Kings 9:37; 1 Kings 14:10; Jeremiah 8:2. In Isaiah 36:12 the sense is, "Is it to thy master and thee I am sent? Nay, it is to the men off the wall, to let them know that (so far am I from wishing them not to hear), if they do not surrender they shall be reduced to eating their own excrement." (2 Chronicles 32:11). Scarcity of fuel necessitated the use of cows' dung and camels' dung, formed in cakes with straw added, for heating ovens as at this day; but to use human dung implied cruel necessity (Ezekiel 4:12). In Philippians 3:8, "I do count them dung," skubala means "refuse cast to the dogs." </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39764" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39764" /> ==
1 Samuel 2:8Luke 14:35 <p> The first mention of dung in the [[Bible]] was in connection with the sacrificial rites. The sacred law required that the dung, along with other parts of the animal, should not be burned on the altar but should be burned outside the camp (Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:11-12 ). </p> <p> A major disgrace for a [[Jew]] was to have one's carcass treated as dung (2 Kings 9:37 ). [[Dung]] has been used as fertilizer for centuries. It is recorded in Luke 13:8 and Isaiah 25:10 that the people of [[Palestine]] used it for that purpose. [[Dry]] dung was and is often used as fuel ( Ezekiel 4:12-15 ). [[Animal]] dung was used as fuel when it was mixed with straw and dried to a suitable state for heating the simple bread ovens. </p> <p> The dung gate, one of the eleven gates of [[Jerusalem]] during Nehemiah's time (Nehemiah 3:14 ), was located in the southwest corner of the wall and was used for the disposal of rubbish, garbage, and dung. It led out to the [[Valley]] of Hinnom. </p> <p> [[Paul]] used a powerful metaphor with the word dung when he made a comparison between his personal knowledge of [[Christ]] and those who did not know Christ (Philippians 3:8 ). The word is used also in [[Scripture]] to indicate symbolically the degradation to which a person or a nation might fall (2 Kings 9:37; Jeremiah 8:2 ). </p> <p> Gary [[Bonner]] </p>
1 Samuel 2:8Luke 14:35 <p> The first mention of dung in the [[Bible]] was in connection with the sacrificial rites. The sacred law required that the dung, along with other parts of the animal, should not be burned on the altar but should be burned outside the camp (Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:11-12 ). </p> <p> A major disgrace for a Jew was to have one's carcass treated as dung (2 Kings 9:37 ). [[Dung]] has been used as fertilizer for centuries. It is recorded in Luke 13:8 and Isaiah 25:10 that the people of [[Palestine]] used it for that purpose. [[Dry]] dung was and is often used as fuel ( Ezekiel 4:12-15 ). [[Animal]] dung was used as fuel when it was mixed with straw and dried to a suitable state for heating the simple bread ovens. </p> <p> The dung gate, one of the eleven gates of Jerusalem during Nehemiah's time (Nehemiah 3:14 ), was located in the southwest corner of the wall and was used for the disposal of rubbish, garbage, and dung. It led out to the Valley of Hinnom. </p> <p> Paul used a powerful metaphor with the word dung when he made a comparison between his personal knowledge of Christ and those who did not know Christ (Philippians 3:8 ). The word is used also in [[Scripture]] to indicate symbolically the degradation to which a person or a nation might fall (2 Kings 9:37; Jeremiah 8:2 ). </p> <p> Gary [[Bonner]] </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50583" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50583" /> ==
<p> <strong> DUNG </strong> . <strong> 1. </strong> [[Used]] in the East as manure ( Luke 13:8 ) and for fuel; especially that of cattle, where wood and charcoal are scarce or unattainable. Directions for personal cleanliness are given in Deuteronomy 23:10-14; and in the case of sacrifices the dung of the animals was burnt outside the camp ( Exodus 29:14 , Leviticus 4:11-12; Leviticus 8:17 , Numbers 19:5 ). <strong> 2. </strong> The word is used ( <em> a </em> ) to express contempt and abhorrence, as in the case of the carcase of [[Jezebel]] ( 2 Kings 9:37 ); and in that of the [[Jews]] ( Jeremiah 9:22 , Zephaniah 1:17 ). ( <em> b </em> ) To spread dung upon the face was a sign of humiliation ( Malachi 2:3 ). ( <em> c </em> ) As representing worthlessness, [[Paul]] counted all things but dung that he might win [[Christ]] ( Philippians 3:8 ). </p>
<p> <strong> DUNG </strong> . <strong> 1. </strong> Used in the East as manure ( Luke 13:8 ) and for fuel; especially that of cattle, where wood and charcoal are scarce or unattainable. Directions for personal cleanliness are given in Deuteronomy 23:10-14; and in the case of sacrifices the dung of the animals was burnt outside the camp ( Exodus 29:14 , Leviticus 4:11-12; Leviticus 8:17 , Numbers 19:5 ). <strong> 2. </strong> The word is used ( <em> a </em> ) to express contempt and abhorrence, as in the case of the carcase of [[Jezebel]] ( 2 Kings 9:37 ); and in that of the [[Jews]] ( Jeremiah 9:22 , Zephaniah 1:17 ). ( <em> b </em> ) To spread dung upon the face was a sign of humiliation ( Malachi 2:3 ). ( <em> c </em> ) As representing worthlessness, Paul counted all things but dung that he might win Christ ( Philippians 3:8 ). </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197749" /> ==
<p> 2 Kings 9:37 (a) The word here compares the dead body of a wicked queen to the filth of the earth. A figure to express GOD's utter abhorrence of Jezebel. </p> <p> Jeremiah 8:2 (a) It is GOD's description of how despicable the leaders of [[Israel]] were in His sight because of their wickedness. </p> <p> Malachi 2:3 (a) GOD in this way expresses His utter abhorrence of the religion of apostate Israel. He thus describes His abhorrence of the religious ways of the priests and leaders of Israel because of their wickedness and sinfulness. </p> <p> Luke 13:8 (b) In actual life, dung is used as fertilizer. In this parable, dung probably represents things in this life which are used to promote and help the growth of the things of GOD. </p> <p> Philippians 3:8 (a) Paul uses this figure to show his utter contempt for the things in the world - things which he formerly had thought were profitable and helpful to him. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_72264" /> ==
<p> Dung. The uses of dung were two-fold - as manure and as fuel. The manure consisted either of straw steeped in liquid manure, Isaiah 25:10, or the sweepings, Isaiah 5:25, of the streets and roads, which were carefully removed from about the houses, and collected in heaps, outside the walls of the towns at fixed spots - hence, the dung-gate at Jerusalem - and thence, removed in due course to the fields. </p> <p> The difficulty of procuring fuel in Syria, [[Arabia]] and [[Egypt]] has made dung, in all ages, valuable as a substitute. It was probably used for heating ovens and for baking cakes, Ezra 4:12; Ezra 4:15, the equable heat which it produced adapting it pecularily for the latter operation. Cow's and camels dung is still used for a similar purpose by the Bedouins. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55644" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31248" /> ==
<p> <b> DUNG. </b> —See Agriculture, p. 39b. </p>
<li> Used as fuel, a substitute for firewood, which was with difficulty procured in Syria, Arabia, and Egypt (Ezekiel 4:12-15 ), where cows' and camels' dung is used to the present day for this purpose. <div> <p> Copyright StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Dung'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15874" /> ==
<p> Among the Israelites, the dung of animals was used only for manure, but, when dried, for fuel. In districts where wood is scarce, the inhabitants are very careful in collecting the dung of camels and asses; it is mixed with chopped straw, and dried. It is not unusual to see a whole village with portions of this material adhering to the walls of the cottages to dry; and towards the end of autumn it is piled in conical heaps or stacks on the roof. It is employed in heating ovens, and for other similar purposes, Ezekiel 4:12-16 . The use of dung for manure is intimated in Isaiah 25:10 . </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_59736" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_114211" /> ==
<p> DUNG, n. G. The excrement of animals. </p> <p> DUNG, To manure with dung. </p> <p> DUNG, To void excrement. </p>
<p> (1): of Ding </p> <p> (2): (n.) The excrement of an animal. </p> <p> (3): (v. i.) To void excrement. </p> <p> (4): (v. t.) To immerse or steep, as calico, in a bath of hot water containing cow dung; - done to remove the superfluous mordant. </p> <p> (5): (v. t.) To manure with dung. </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69981" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69981" /> ==
<p> Dung. In many countries of the East wood is so scarce and dear as to be sold by weight. Hence animal excrements are used as fuel. Ezekiel 4:12. It is a very common material for heating ovens, even among people of comfortable circumstances. The odor arising from the use of it is offensive, and penetrates the food. </p>
<p> Dung. In many countries of the East wood is so scarce and dear as to be sold by weight. Hence animal excrements are used as fuel. Ezekiel 4:12. It is a very common material for heating ovens, even among people of comfortable circumstances. The odor arising from the use of it is offensive, and penetrates the food. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_72264" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_59736" /> ==
<p> Dung. The uses of dung were two-fold - as manure and as fuel. The manure consisted either of straw steeped in liquid manure, Isaiah 25:10, or the sweepings, Isaiah 5:25, of the streets and roads, which were carefully removed from about the houses, and collected in heaps, outside the walls of the towns at fixed spots - hence, the dung-gate at [[Jerusalem]] - and thence, removed in due course to the fields. </p> <p> The difficulty of procuring fuel in Syria, [[Arabia]] and [[Egypt]] has made dung, in all ages, valuable as a substitute. It was probably used for heating ovens and for baking cakes, Ezra 4:12; Ezra 4:15, the equable heat which it produced adapting it pecularily for the latter operation. Cow's and camels dung is still used for a similar purpose by the Bedouins. </p>
<p> DUNG, n. G. The excrement of animals. </p> <p> DUNG, To manure with dung. </p> <p> DUNG, To void excrement. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77390" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55644" /> ==
<div> 1: Σκύβαλον (Strong'S #4657 — Noun Neuter — skubalon — skoo'-bal-on ) </div> <p> denotes "refuse," whether (a) "excrement," that which is cast out from the body, or (b) "the leavings of a feast," that which is thrown away from the table. Some have derived it from kusibalon (with metathesis of k and s), "thrown to dogs;" others connect it with a root meaning "shred." [[Judaizers]] counted gentile [[Christians]] as dogs, while they themselves were seated at God's banquet. The Apostle, reversing the image, counts the Judaistic ordinances as refuse upon which their advocates feed, Philippians 3:8 . </p> <div> 2: Κοπρία (Strong'S #2874 — Noun [[Feminine]] — koprion — kop-ree'-ah ) </div> <p> "manure," Luke 13:8 , used in the plural with ballo, "to throw," is translated by the verb "to dung." Some mss. have the accusative case of the noun kopria, "a dunghill." See below. </p>
<p> <b> DUNG. </b> —See Agriculture, p. 39b. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_114211" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_38054" /> ==
<p> (1): </p> <p> of Ding </p> <p> (2): </p> <p> (n.) The excrement of an animal. </p> <p> (3): </p> <p> (v. i.) To void excrement. </p> <p> (4): </p> <p> (v. t.) To immerse or steep, as calico, in a bath of hot water containing cow dung; - done to remove the superfluous mordant. </p> <p> (5): </p> <p> (v. t.) To manure with dung. </p>
<p> (prop. צָפַיעִ, tsaphi'a, Ezekiel 4:15, spoken exclusively of animals, such as the cow or camel; also דֹּמֶן, do nen, ordure, as spread on land, 2 Kings 9:37; Psalms 83:10; Jeremiah 8:2; Jeremiah 9:22; Jeremiah 16:4; Jeremiah 25:33; while פֶּרֶשׁ, pe'resh, signifies feces as contained in the entrails of victims, Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:11; Leviticus 8:17; Leviticus 16:27; Numbers 9:5; Malachi 2:3. On the other hand, human excrement is specially denoted by, צֵאָה, tseah', Deuteronomy 23:13; Ezekiel 4:12; a sense also applied to גֵּלֶל, ge'lel, Job 20:7; Ezekiel 4:12; Ezekiel 4:15; Zephaniah 1:17; but not necessarily to גָּלָל, gal', 1 Kings 14:10. The Greek word is ricorpo, whether of men or brutes; used in the Sept. for all the above, but found in the N.T. only in the form κοπρία, manure, Luke 13:8; while σκύβαλον, Philippians 3:8, properly signifies refuse. The use of such substances among the Jews was twofold. </p> <p> 1. As manure. This consisted either of straw steeped in liquid manure (בְּמֵי מִדְמֵנָה, lit. in dung-water, Isaiah 25:10), or. the sweepings (סוּחָה, Isaiah 5:25) of the streets and roads, which were carefully removed from about the houses and collected in heaps (אִשְׁפֹּת ) outside the walls of the towns at fixed spots (hence the dung-gate at Jerusalem, Nehemiah 2:13), and thence removed in due course to the fields (Mishna, Shabb. 3, § 1-3). See below. The mode of applying manure to trees was by digging holes about their roots and inserting it (Luke 13:8), as still practiced in Southern Italy (Trench, Parables, page 356). In the case of sacrifices the dung was burned outside the camp (Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:11; Leviticus 8:17; Numbers 19:5) hence the extreme opprobrium of the threat in Malachi 2:3. [[Particular]] directions were laid down in the law to enforce cleanliness with regard to human ordure (Deuteronomy 23:12 sq.) it was the grossest insult to turn a man's house into a receptacle for it (מִחֲרָאָת, 2 Kings 10:27; נְוָלוּ, Ezra 6:11; Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29, A.V., " dunghill"); public establishments of that nature are still found in the large towns of the East (Russell's Aleppo, 1:34). The expression to "cast out as dung" implied not only the offensiveness of the object, but also the ideas of removal (1 Kings 14:10), and still more exposure (2 Kings 9:37; Jeremiah 8:2). The reverence of the later Hebrews would not permit the pronunciation of some of the terms used in Scripture, and accordingly more delicate words were substituted in the margin (צוֹאָה, tsoht', for חֲרָאַים, charaim, or חֲרַים, charim, 2 Kings 6:25; 2 Kings 10:27; 2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12). The occurrence of such names as Gilalai, Dimnah, Madmenah, and Madmannah, shows that these ideas of delicacy did not extend to ordinary matters. The term σκύβαλα (A.V., "ldung," Philippians 3:8) im applied by [[Josephus]] (War, 5:13, 7) to ordure (comp. [[Sirach]] 27:4). (See [[Manure]]). </p> <p> 2. As fuel. In a district where wood is scarce, dung is so valuable for this purpose that little of it is spared for the former. The difficulty of procuring firewood in Syria, Arabia, and Egypt has therefore made dung in all ages highly prized as a substitute it was used for heating lime kilns (Theophr. Lap. 69), ovens, and for baking cakes (Ezekiel 4:12; Ezekiel 4:15), the even heat which it produced adapting it peculiarly for the latter operation. Cows and camels dung is still used for a similar purpose by the [[Bedouins]] (Burckhardt's Notes, 1:57) they even form a species of pan for frying eggs out of it (Russell, Aleppo, 1:39); in Egypt the dung is mixed with straw and formed into flat, round cakes, which are dried in the sun (Lane, Mod. Eg. 1:252; 2:141). This use of dung for fuel by the ancient Israelites, however, is collected incidentally from the passage in which the prophet Ezekiel, being commanded, as a symbolical action, to bake his bread with human dung, excuses himself from the use of an unclean thing, and is permitted to employ cows dung instead (Ezekiel 4:12-15). </p> <p> This shows that the dung of animals, at least of clean animals, was usual, and that no ideas of ceremonial uncleanness were attached to its employment for this purpose. The use of cow dung for fuel is known to European villagers, who, at least in the west of England, prefer it in baking their bread "under the crock," on account of the long continued and equable heat which it maintains. It is there also not unusual in a summer evening to see aged people traveling the green lanes with baskets to collect the cakes of cow dung which have dried upon the road. This helps out the ordinary fire of wood, and makes it burn longer. In many thinly wooded parts of south-western Asia, the dung of cows, camels, horses, asses, whichever may happen to be the most common, is collected with great zeal and diligence from the streets and highways, chiefly by young girls. They also hover on the skirts of travelers, and there are often amusing scrambles among them for the droppings of the cattle. The dung is mixed up with chopped straw and made into cakes, which are stuck up by their own adhesiveness against the walls of the cottages, or are laid upon the declivity of a hill, until sufficiently dried. It is not unusual to see a whole village with its walls thus garnished, which has a singular and not very agreeable appearance to a European traveler. Towards the end of autumn, the result of the summer collection of fuel for winter is shown in large conical heaps or stacks of dried dung upon the top of every cottage. The usages of the Jews in this matter were probably similar in kind, although the extent to which they prevailed cannot now be estimated. ( See Kitto, Pictorial Hist. of the Jews, 2, page 349.) (See [[Fuel]]). </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197749" /> ==
<p> 2 Kings 9:37 (a) The word here compares the dead body of a wicked queen to the filth of the earth. A figure to express GOD's utter abhorrence of Jezebel. </p> <p> Jeremiah 8:2 (a) It is GOD's description of how despicable the leaders of [[Israel]] were in His sight because of their wickedness. </p> <p> Malachi 2:3 (a) GOD in this way expresses His utter abhorrence of the religion of apostate Israel. He thus describes His abhorrence of the religious ways of the priests and leaders of Israel because of their wickedness and sinfulness. </p> <p> Luke 13:8 (b) In actual life, dung is used as fertilizer. In this parable, dung probably represents things in this life which are used to promote and help the growth of the things of GOD. </p> <p> Philippians 3:8 (a) [[Paul]] uses this figure to show his utter contempt for the things in the world - things which he formerly had thought were profitable and helpful to him. </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15453" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15453" /> ==
<p> [[Among]] the Israelites, as with the modern Orientals, dung was used both for manure and for fuel. In a district where wood is scarce, dung is so valuable for the latter purpose, that little of it is spared for the former. </p> <p> The use of dung for manure is indicated in , from which we also learn that its bulk was increased by the addition of straw, which was of course, as with us, left to rot in the dunghill. Some of the regulations connected with this use of dung we learn from the Talmud. The heaping up of a dunghill in a public place exposed the owner to the repair of any damage it might occasion, and any one was at liberty to take it away. [[Another]] regulation forbade the accumulation of the dunghill to be removed, in the seventh or sabbatic year, to the vicinity of any ground under culture, which was equivalent to an interdiction of the use of manure in that year; and this must have occasioned some increase of labor in the year ensuing. </p> <p> The use of cow-dung for fuel is known to our own villagers, who, at least in the west of England, prefer it in baking their bread 'under the crock,' on account of the long continued and equable heat which it maintains. It is there also not unusual in a summer evening to see aged people traversing the green lanes with baskets to collect the cakes of cow-dung which have dried upon the road. This helps out the ordinary fire of wood, and makes it burn longer. In many thinly-wooded parts of south-western [[Asia]] the dung of cows, camels, horses, asses, whichever may happen to be the most common, is collected with great zeal and diligence from the streets and highways, chiefly by young girls. They also hover on the skirts of the encampments of travelers, and there are often amusing scrambles among them for the droppings of the cattle. The dung is mixed up with chopped straw, and made into cakes, which are stuck up by their own adhesiveness against the walls of the cottages, or are laid upon the declivity of a hill, until sufficiently dried. It is not unusual to see a whole village with its walls thus garnished, which has a singular and not very agreeable appearance to a European traveler. Towards the end of autumn, the result of the summer collection of fuel for winter is shown in large conical heaps or stacks of dried, dung upon the top of every cottage. The usages of the [[Jews]] in this matter were probably similar in kind, although the extent to which they prevailed cannot now be estimated. </p>
<p> Among the Israelites, as with the modern Orientals, dung was used both for manure and for fuel. In a district where wood is scarce, dung is so valuable for the latter purpose, that little of it is spared for the former. </p> <p> The use of dung for manure is indicated in , from which we also learn that its bulk was increased by the addition of straw, which was of course, as with us, left to rot in the dunghill. Some of the regulations connected with this use of dung we learn from the Talmud. The heaping up of a dunghill in a public place exposed the owner to the repair of any damage it might occasion, and any one was at liberty to take it away. Another regulation forbade the accumulation of the dunghill to be removed, in the seventh or sabbatic year, to the vicinity of any ground under culture, which was equivalent to an interdiction of the use of manure in that year; and this must have occasioned some increase of labor in the year ensuing. </p> <p> The use of cow-dung for fuel is known to our own villagers, who, at least in the west of England, prefer it in baking their bread 'under the crock,' on account of the long continued and equable heat which it maintains. It is there also not unusual in a summer evening to see aged people traversing the green lanes with baskets to collect the cakes of cow-dung which have dried upon the road. This helps out the ordinary fire of wood, and makes it burn longer. In many thinly-wooded parts of south-western Asia the dung of cows, camels, horses, asses, whichever may happen to be the most common, is collected with great zeal and diligence from the streets and highways, chiefly by young girls. They also hover on the skirts of the encampments of travelers, and there are often amusing scrambles among them for the droppings of the cattle. The dung is mixed up with chopped straw, and made into cakes, which are stuck up by their own adhesiveness against the walls of the cottages, or are laid upon the declivity of a hill, until sufficiently dried. It is not unusual to see a whole village with its walls thus garnished, which has a singular and not very agreeable appearance to a European traveler. Towards the end of autumn, the result of the summer collection of fuel for winter is shown in large conical heaps or stacks of dried, dung upon the top of every cottage. The usages of the Jews in this matter were probably similar in kind, although the extent to which they prevailed cannot now be estimated. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_38054" /> ==
<p> (prop. צָפַיעִ, tsaphi'a, Ezekiel 4:15, spoken exclusively of animals, such as the cow or camel; also דֹּמֶן, do nen, ordure, as spread on land, 2 Kings 9:37; Psalms 83:10; Jeremiah 8:2; Jeremiah 9:22; Jeremiah 16:4; Jeremiah 25:33; while פֶּרֶשׁ, pe'resh, signifies feces as contained in the entrails of victims, Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:11; Leviticus 8:17; Leviticus 16:27; Numbers 9:5; Malachi 2:3. On the other hand, human excrement is specially denoted by, צֵאָה, tseah', Deuteronomy 23:13; Ezekiel 4:12; a sense also applied to גֵּלֶל, ge'lel, Job 20:7; Ezekiel 4:12; Ezekiel 4:15; Zephaniah 1:17; but not necessarily to גָּלָל, gal', 1 Kings 14:10. The [[Greek]] word is ricorpo, whether of men or brutes; used in the Sept. for all the above, but found in the N.T. only in the form κοπρία, manure, Luke 13:8; while σκύβαλον, Philippians 3:8, properly signifies refuse. The use of such substances among the [[Jews]] was twofold. </p> <p> 1. As manure. This consisted either of straw steeped in liquid manure (בְּמֵי מִדְמֵנָה, lit. in dung-water, Isaiah 25:10), or. the sweepings (סוּחָה, Isaiah 5:25) of the streets and roads, which were carefully removed from about the houses and collected in heaps (אִשְׁפֹּת ) outside the walls of the towns at fixed spots (hence the dung-gate at Jerusalem, Nehemiah 2:13), and thence removed in due course to the fields (Mishna, Shabb. 3, § 1-3). See below. The mode of applying manure to trees was by digging holes about their roots and inserting it (Luke 13:8), as still practiced in Southern [[Italy]] (Trench, Parables, page 356). In the case of sacrifices the dung was burned outside the camp (Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:11; Leviticus 8:17; Numbers 19:5) hence the extreme opprobrium of the threat in Malachi 2:3. [[Particular]] directions were laid down in the law to enforce cleanliness with regard to human ordure (Deuteronomy 23:12 sq.) it was the grossest insult to turn a man's house into a receptacle for it (מִחֲרָאָת, 2 Kings 10:27; נְוָלוּ, Ezra 6:11; Daniel 2:5; Daniel 3:29, A.V., " dunghill"); public establishments of that nature are still found in the large towns of the East (Russell's Aleppo, 1:34). The expression to "cast out as dung" implied not only the offensiveness of the object, but also the ideas of removal (1 Kings 14:10), and still more exposure (2 Kings 9:37; Jeremiah 8:2). The reverence of the later Hebrews would not permit the pronunciation of some of the terms used in Scripture, and accordingly more delicate words were substituted in the margin (צוֹאָה, tsoht', for חֲרָאַים, charaim, or חֲרַים, charim, 2 Kings 6:25; 2 Kings 10:27; 2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12). The occurrence of such names as Gilalai, Dimnah, Madmenah, and Madmannah, shows that these ideas of delicacy did not extend to ordinary matters. The term σκύβαλα (A.V., "ldung," Philippians 3:8) im applied by [[Josephus]] (War, 5:13, 7) to ordure (comp. [[Sirach]] 27:4). (See [[Manure]]). </p> <p> 2. As fuel. In a district where wood is scarce, dung is so valuable for this purpose that little of it is spared for the former. The difficulty of procuring firewood in Syria, Arabia, and [[Egypt]] has therefore made dung in all ages highly prized as a substitute it was used for heating lime kilns (Theophr. Lap. 69), ovens, and for baking cakes (Ezekiel 4:12; Ezekiel 4:15), the even heat which it produced adapting it peculiarly for the latter operation. Cows and camels dung is still used for a similar purpose by the [[Bedouins]] (Burckhardt's Notes, 1:57) they even form a species of pan for frying eggs out of it (Russell, Aleppo, 1:39); in Egypt the dung is mixed with straw and formed into flat, round cakes, which are dried in the sun (Lane, Mod. Eg. 1:252; 2:141). This use of dung for fuel by the ancient Israelites, however, is collected incidentally from the passage in which the prophet Ezekiel, being commanded, as a symbolical action, to bake his bread with human dung, excuses himself from the use of an unclean thing, and is permitted to employ cows dung instead (Ezekiel 4:12-15). </p> <p> This shows that the dung of animals, at least of clean animals, was usual, and that no ideas of ceremonial uncleanness were attached to its employment for this purpose. The use of cow dung for fuel is known to European villagers, who, at least in the west of England, prefer it in baking their bread "under the crock," on account of the long continued and equable heat which it maintains. It is there also not unusual in a summer evening to see aged people traveling the green lanes with baskets to collect the cakes of cow dung which have dried upon the road. This helps out the ordinary fire of wood, and makes it burn longer. In many thinly wooded parts of south-western Asia, the dung of cows, camels, horses, asses, whichever may happen to be the most common, is collected with great zeal and diligence from the streets and highways, chiefly by young girls. They also hover on the skirts of travelers, and there are often amusing scrambles among them for the droppings of the cattle. The dung is mixed up with chopped straw and made into cakes, which are stuck up by their own adhesiveness against the walls of the cottages, or are laid upon the declivity of a hill, until sufficiently dried. It is not unusual to see a whole village with its walls thus garnished, which has a singular and not very agreeable appearance to a European traveler. Towards the end of autumn, the result of the summer collection of fuel for winter is shown in large conical heaps or stacks of dried dung upon the top of every cottage. The usages of the Jews in this matter were probably similar in kind, although the extent to which they prevailed cannot now be estimated. ( See Kitto, Pictorial Hist. of the Jews, 2, page 349.) (See [[Fuel]]). </p>
==References ==
==References ==

<ref name="term_15874"> [ Dung from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_35106"> [ Dung from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_31248"> [ Dung from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_77390"> [ Dung from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_35106"> [ Dung from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_39764"> [ Dung from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_39764"> [ Dung from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
Line 54: Line 52:
<ref name="term_50583"> [ Dung from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_50583"> [ Dung from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_55644"> [ Dung from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_197749"> [ Dung from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_59736"> [ Dung from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_72264"> [ Dung from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_69981"> [ Dung from People's Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_31248"> [ Dung from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_72264"> [ Dung from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_15874"> [ Dung from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_77390"> [ Dung from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_114211"> [ Dung from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_114211"> [ Dung from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_69981"> [ Dung from People's Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_197749"> [ Dung from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_59736"> [ Dung from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_15453"> [ Dung from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_55644"> [ Dung from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_38054"> [ Dung from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_38054"> [ Dung from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_15453"> [ Dung from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>