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<p> '''''bōrd''''' ( קרשׁ , <i> '''''ḳeresh''''' </i> , "a slab or plank," "deck of a ship," "bench," "board"): This word is found in Exodus 26:16-21; Exodus 36:21; its plural occurs in Exodus 26:15 , Exodus 26:17-29; Exodus 35:11; Exodus 36:20-34; Exodus 39:33; Exodus 40:18; Numbers 3:36; Numbers 4:31 . This word also is used in translation of לוּח , <i> '''''lūaḥ''''' </i> ( Exodus 27:8; Exodus 38:7; Song of [[Solomon]] 8:9; Ezekiel 27:5 the King James Version) = "a tablet" (of stone, wood or metal), "board," "plate," "table"; also of <i> '''''cēla‛''''' </i> = "rib," hence, a "side," "timber," "plank" ( 1 Kings 6:15 f). In 1 Kings 6:9 , שדרה , <i> '''''sedhērāh''''' </i> = "a rank," "a row," hence, "a range" or "board" is used. In the New [[Testament]] we find the expression "on board" in Acts 27:44 the King James Version, in translation of ἐπὶ σανίσιν , <i> '''''epı́ sanı́sin''''' </i> = "planks." </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58460" /> ==
        <p> BOARD, n. </p> <blockquote> 1. A piece of timber sawed thin and of considerable length and breadth, compared with the thickness, used for building and other purposes. </blockquote> <blockquote> 2. A table. The table of our rude ancestors was a piece of board, perhaps originally laid upon the knees. "Lauti cibum capiunt separata singulis sedes, et sua cuique mensa." </blockquote> <blockquote> 3. [[Entertainment]] food diet as, the price of board is two, five, or seven dollars a week. </blockquote> <blockquote> 4. A table at which a council or court is held hence a council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly or meeting as a board of directors. </blockquote> <blockquote> 5. The desk of a ship the interior part of a ship or boat used in the phrase, on board, aboard. In this phrase however the sense is primarily the side of the ship. To go aboard is to go over the side. </blockquote> <blockquote> 6. The side of a ship. </blockquote> <p> Now board to board, the rival vessels row. </p> <p> To fall over board, that is, over the side the mast went by the board. </p> <p> [[Board]] and board, side by side. </p> <blockquote> 7. The line over which a ship runs between tack and tack. To make a good board, is to sail in a straight line, when close hauled. </blockquote> <p> To make short boards, is to tack frequently. </p> <blockquote> 8. A table for artificers to sit or work on. </blockquote> <blockquote> 9. A table or frame for a game as a chess board, &c. </blockquote> <blockquote> 10. A body of men constituting a quorum in session a court, or council as a board of trustees a board of officers. </blockquote> <p> BOARD, To lay or spread with boards to cover with boards. </p> <blockquote> 1. To enter a ship by force in combat, which answers to storming a city or fort on land. </blockquote> <blockquote> 2. To attack to make the first attempt upon a man. In Spenser, to accost. </blockquote> <blockquote> 3. To place at board, for a compensation, as a lodger. </blockquote> <blockquote> 4. To furnish with food, or food and lodging, for a compensation as, a man boards ten students. </blockquote> <p> BOARD, To receive food or diet as a lodger or without lodgings, for a compensation as,he boards at the moderate price of two dollars a week. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_76946" /> ==
        <div> 1: Σανίς <div> <audio> </audio> <button> ► </button> </div> (Strong'S #4548 — Noun Feminine — sanis — san-ece' ) </div> <p> denotes "a plank, or board," Acts 27:44 . </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197582" /> ==
        <p> Exodus 26:15 (c) This board may be used as a type of a saved person. It was once a tree in the woods and of no value as a dwelling place for GOD. The tree had to die. It was cut down, made into boards, dressed, planed, and fitted. Even yet, it was not useful to GOD nor could it be placed in His holy temple. It must have silver tenons on the bottom to rest on in the sand. Silver speaks of redemption. It must have a covering of pure gold all over to hide the wood. Then it was fit for the tabernacle. ( Ephesians 2:22) So it is with the sinner. He must be cut down. He must die in the person of his Substitute, the Lord JESUS CHRIST. He must go with CHRIST through the sufferings of Calvary, his burial and resurrection, and then be clothed with the golden robe of righteousness, the beauty of his Saviour. He must rest on redemption ground and be joined to the other "boards." Then he helps, with them, to form "a habitation of God by His Spirit." </p> <p> Song of [[Solomon]] 8:9 (b) The board here represents a type of all believers standing together "fitly joined together," Ephesians 4:16, in order to make a [[Church]] which is GOD's dwelling place. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_1826" /> ==
        <p> '''''bōrd''''' ( קרשׁ , <i> '''''ḳeresh''''' </i> , "a slab or plank," "deck of a ship," "bench," "board"): This word is found in Exodus 26:16-21; Exodus 36:21; its plural occurs in Exodus 26:15 , Exodus 26:17-29; Exodus 35:11; Exodus 36:20-34; Exodus 39:33; Exodus 40:18; Numbers 3:36; Numbers 4:31 . This word also is used in translation of לוּח , <i> '''''lūaḥ''''' </i> ( Exodus 27:8; Exodus 38:7; Song of [[Solomon]] 8:9; Ezekiel 27:5 the King James Version) = "a tablet" (of stone, wood or metal), "board," "plate," "table"; also of <i> '''''cēla‛''''' </i> = "rib," hence, a "side," "timber," "plank" ( 1 Kings 6:15 f). In 1 Kings 6:9 , שדרה , <i> '''''sedhērāh''''' </i> = "a rank," "a row," hence, "a range" or "board" is used. In the New [[Testament]] we find the expression "on board" in Acts 27:44 the King James Version, in translation of ἐπὶ σανίσιν , <i> '''''epı́ sanı́sin''''' </i> = "planks." </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_25973" /> ==
        <p> is the rendering in the Auth. Vers. of the following words: לוּחִ lu'ach (a tablet, usually "table"), spoken of the enclosing materials of the altar, Exodus 27:8; Exodus 38:7; of sculptured slabs, 1 Kings 7:36 ("ledge"); of writing tablets ("table"), Isaiah 30:8; Jeremiah 17:1; Habakkuk 2:2; of the valve of folding-doors, Song of [[Solomon]] 8:9; of the deck of a ship, Ezekiel 27:5; צֵלָע, tse'la, a "rib," hence a beam (q.v.), 1 Kings 6:15-16; קֶרֶשׁ, ke'resh, a plank, i.e. of the tabernacle, Exodus 26:15-29; Exodus 25:11; Exodus 36:20-34; Exodus 39:33; Exodus 40:18; Numbers 3:36; Numbers 4:31; "bench," i.e. deck, Ezekiel 27:6; שַׂדֵרָה, sederah', a row, e.g. of stones, 1 Kings 6:9; of soldiers (" ranges"), 2 Kings 11:8; 2 Kings 11:15; σανίς, a plank of a vessel, Acts 27:44. </p>
==References ==
        <ref name="term_58460"> [ Board from King James Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_76946"> [ Board from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
        <ref name="term_197582"> [ Board from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
        <ref name="term_1826"> [ Board from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
        <ref name="term_25973"> [ Board from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>