Hugh Neill

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hugh Neill [1]

an American divine of the colonial period, came to this country about the opening of the last century, and labored in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In the mother country he was a Nonconformist, and labored for years as Presbyterian minister both in England and in New Jersey, where he greatly distinguished himself. He was ordained to holy orders in the Anglican establishment in 1749 by the bishop of London, and was at once appointed to missionary work. During the following fifteen years the extent of his work in this country his sympathies were especially directed to the negro race, whose love and confidence he gained. He died about 1770. See Anderson, Hist. of the Ch. of Eng. in the Colonies and foreign Dependencies of the British Empire, 3:379-81, 457; Hawkins, Eccles. Hist. page 126 sq.
