Fales Henry Newhall

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Fales Henry Newhall [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Saugus, Massachusetts, June 19, 1827. He was converted at the age of twelve; graduated from Wesleyan University, Connecticut, in 1846; taught for several years thereafter; joined the New England Conference in 1851, and occupied several of its most important appointments; in 1863 became professor of rhetoric and English literature in his alma mater; in 1867-68 travelled and studied in Europe; in 1871 returned to the itinerant work as a pastor; in 1873 was elected president of the Ohio Wesleyan University, but soon experienced an attack of insanity, from which he never afterwards fully recovered. He died April 6, 1883. Dr. Newhall was an eloquent speaker and writer. He published a number of sermons, essays, etc. See Alumni Record Of Wesl. University, 1882, page 77, 610; Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1883, page 91.
