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Nazarites [1]

a Christian sect in Russia and Hungary. Originally they were only known in the neighborhood of Szegedin, but more recently they have spread over the greater part of Hungary. Between the Danube and the Theiss they now number 80,000. The most of their adherents are in the Magyar districts. They profess to derive their confession from the New Testament alone. They hold God to be one in essence, but three in personFather, Son, and Spirit. Their sacraments are two — Baptism and the Lord's Supper; adults only being baptized, and that by immersion by any male member in good standing, and baptism being essential to salvation. They have no ministers, consider marriage a civil ceremony, recognise no Sabbath — for which they find no injunction in the New Testament, though they worship on that day for convenience' sake — are singularly charitable and moral in their daily lives, refuse to take oaths or to bear arms, and take no part in political affairs. In order to escape from the latter, the parents of the young men, or in case of liability the parishes, hire substitutes for them,
