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A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography <ref name="term_14857" />
A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography <ref name="term_14860" />
<p> <b> [[Lucius]] (16) </b> ( <i> Lleirwg, Lles, Lleufer-Mawr, Lleurwg </i> ), a mythical character represented as the first [[Christian]] king in Britain. By [[William]] of Malmesbury ( <i> Ant. Glast. </i> ii.), and more especially by Geoffrey of Monmouth ( <i> Brit. Hist. </i> iv. v.), besides later writers, Lucius is assigned a most important place in the Christianizing of Britain. </p> <p> I. As represented by Geoffrey of Monmouth, whose narrative has made the deepest impression on popular history, Lucius was descended from Brutus, the founder and first king of Britain, and succeeded his father Coillus, son of Meirig or Marius. Like his father, he sought and secured the friendship of the Romans. The fame of the Christian miracles inspired him with such love for the true faith that he petitioned pope [[Eleutherus]] for teachers, and on the arrival of the two most holy doctors, Faganus and Duvanus, received baptism along with multitudes from all countries. When the missionaries had almost extinguished paganism in the island, they dedicated the heathen temples to the service of God, and filled them with congregations of Christians; they fully organized the church, making the flamens into bishops, and the archflamens into archbishops, and constituting 3 metropolitans with 28 suffragan bishops. Lucius largely endowed the church, and, rejoicing in the progress of the gospel, died at [[Gloucester]] (Malmesbury says at Glastonbury) a.d. 156; without leaving any issue (Baron. <i> Ann. </i> a.d. 183; Cressy, <i> Church Hist. Brit. </i> iii. iv. at great length and diffuseness; <i> Lib. Landav. </i> by Rees, 26, 65, 306, 309, but much shorter). </p> <p> II. Parallel to the preceding, but without such minute details, is the legend in the [[Welsh]] Triads and genealogies, which are of very uncertain date and authority. Lleirwg, Lleurwg, or Lles, also named or surnamed Lleufer-Mawr ("the great luminary," as all the names express the idea of brightness, corresponding to the Latin Lucius), son of Coel ap Cyllin ap Caradog or [[Caractacus]] ap Bran, was a Welsh chieftain of Gwent and Morganwg in the S. of Wales. Two of the Triads ( <i> Myv. Arch. </i> ii. 63, 68) state that he founded the church of Llandaff, which was the first in Britain, and endowed it with lands and privileges, giving the same also to all those persons who first embraced the gospel. The Welsh Triads would place him about the middle of the 2nd cent. (Rees, <i> Welsh [[Saints]] </i> , c. 4; Williams, <i> Emin. Welsh. </i> 276; <i> Lib. Landav. </i> by Rees, 309 n.; [[Lady]] Ch. Guest, <i> Mabinogion </i> , ii. 130; Stephens, <i> Lit. Cymr. </i> 69.) </p> <p> III. In tracing the rise and growth of the legend there is comparatively little difficulty. [[Gildas]] makes no allusion to it. The earliest English author to notice it is [[Bede]] ( <i> Chron. </i> a.d. 180): "Lucius Britanniae rex, missâ ad Eleutherium Romae episcopum epistolâ, ut [[Christianus]] efficiatur, impetrat"; and again <i> H. E. </i> i. c. 4. </p> <p> The source from which Bede received the name of Lucius, and his connexion with Eleutherus, is shewn by Haddan and Stubbs ( <i> Counc. </i> etc. i. 25) to have been a later interpolated form of the <i> Catalogus Pontificum Romanorum </i> ( <i> ap. </i> Boll. <i> Acta SS. </i> 1 Apr. i. p. xxiii. <i> Catalogi Veteres Antiquorum Pontificum </i> ). The original <i> Catalogue </i> , written shortly after 353, gives only the name and length of pontificate by the [[Roman]] consulships, but the interpolated copy (made <i> c. </i> 530) adds to the <i> Vita S. Eleutheri </i> "Hic accepit epistolam a Lucio Britanniae Rege ut Christianus efficeretur per ejus mandatum." Haddan and Stubbs conclude: "It would seem, therefore, that the bare story of the conversion of a British prince ( <i> temp. Eleutheri </i> ) originated in Rome during the 5th or 6th cents., almost 300 or more years after the date assigned to the story itself; that Bede in the 8th cent. introduced it into England, and that by the 9th cent. it had grown into the conversion of the whole of Britain; while the full-fledged fiction, connecting it specially with [[Wales]] and with Glastonbury, and entering into details, grew up between cents. 9 and 12." </p> <p> Of the dates assigned to king Lucius there is an extreme variety, Ussher enumerating 23 from 137 to 190, and placing it in his own <i> Ind. Chron. </i> in 176, [[Nennius]] in 164, and Bede ( <i> Chron. </i> ) in 180, and again ( <i> H. E. </i> ) in 156. But the chronology is in hopeless confusion (see Haddan and Stubbs, i. 1–26). Ussher ( <i> Brit. Eccl. Ant. </i> cc. iii.–vi.) enters minutely into the legend of Lucius, accepting his existence as a fact, as most other authors have done. His festival is usually Dec. 3. </p> <p> [J.G.] </p> <p> IV. A final explanation of the Lucius legend was given by Dr. Harnack in 1904. in the <i> Sitzungsberichte der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissensch. </i> xxvi.–xxvii.. A recovered fragment of the <i> Hypotyposes </i> of [[Clement]] of [[Alexandria]] suggested to him that the entry in the <i> Liber Pontificalis </i> was due to a confusion between Britannio and Britio. Dr. Harnack shews that the latter word almost undoubtedly refers to the birtha or castle of Edessa. Bede probably misread Britio in the <i> Liber Pontificalis </i> as Britannio, and referred the entry in consequence to Britain, whereas it relates to the conversion of [[Edessa]] in the time of Lucius [[Abgar]] IX. Harnack further shews that the original quotation was probably transferred from [[Julius]] Africanus to the <i> Lib. Pont. </i> See the review of the question in <i> Eng. Hist. Rev. </i> xxii. (1907) 769. Thus the mythic king Lucius of Britain finally disappears from history. </p> <p> [H.G.] </p>
<p> <b> [[Lucius]] (11), </b> the third Arian intruded into the see of Alexandria, an [[Alexandrian]] by birth, ordained presbyter by George. After the murder of that prelate Lucius seems to have been regarded as head of the [[Arians]] of Alexandria; but Socrates's statement (iii. 4), that he was at that time ordained bishop, is corrected by Sozomen (vi. 5) and earlier authorities. At the accession of Jovian, according to the <i> Chronicon Acephalum, </i> a Maffeian fragment, four leading Arian bishops put him forward to address the new emperor at Antioch, hoping to divert Jovian's favour from Athanasius. [[Records]] of these interviews are annexed to Athanasius's epistle to Jovian, and appear to have been read by Sozomen, who summarizes the complaints urged against the great hero of orthodoxy. The records are vivid and graphic. Lucius, Bernicianus, and other Arians presented themselves to [[Jovian]] at one of the city gates when he was riding into the country. He asked their business. They said they were "Christians from Alexandria," and wanted a bishop. He answered, "I have ordered your former bishop, Athanasius, to be put in possession." They rejoined that [[Athanasius]] had for years been under accusation and sentence of banishment. A soldier interrupted them by telling the emperor that they were the "refuse" of "that unhallowed George." Jovian spurred his horse and rode away. Lucius does not reappear until 367, when, having been consecrated, says Tillemont (vi. 582), "either at Antioch, or at some other place out of Egypt," he attempted to possess himself of the bishopric, and entered [[Alexandria]] by night on Sept. 23, and "remained in a small house," next the precinct of the cathedral. In the morning he went to the house where his mother still lived; his presence excited general indignation, and the people beset the house. The prefect Latianus and the dux Trajanus sent officers to expel him, who reported that to do so publicly would imperil his life, whereupon [[Tatianus]] and Trajanus, with a large force, went to the house, and brought him out at 1 p.m. on Sept. 24. On Sept. 25 he was conducted out of [[Egypt]] ( <i> Chron. Praevium </i> and <i> Acephalum </i> ). Athanasius died on May 2, 373, being succeeded by Peter; but the prefect Palladius attacked the church, and Peter was either imprisoned or went into hiding. Euzoius, the old Arian bp. of Antioch, easily obtained from [[Valens]] an order to install Lucius. Accordingly Lucius appeared in Alexandria, escorted, as Peter said in his encyclical letter (Theod. iv. 25), not by monks and clergy and laity, but by Euzoius, and the imperial treasurer Magnus, at the head of a large body of soldiers; while the pagan populace intimated their friendly feeling towards the Arian bishop by hailing him as one who did not worship the Son of God and who must have been sent to Alexandria by the favour of Serapis. Lucius surrounded himself with pagan guards, and caused some of the orthodox to be beaten, others to be imprisoned, exiled, or pillaged, for refusing his communion, these severities being actually carried out by [[Magnus]] and Palladius as representing the secular power. [[Gregory]] of Nazianzus calls him a second Arius, and lays to his charge the sacrileges and barbarities of the new Arian persecution ( <i> Orat. </i> xxv. 12, 13). He took an active part in the attack on the monks of Egypt; finding them immovably attached to the Nicene faith, he advised that their chief "abbats," the two Macarii, should be banished to a little pagan island; but when the holy men converted its inhabitants, the Alexandrian people made a vehement demonstration against Lucius, and he sent the exiles back to their cells (Neale, <i> Hist. Alex. </i> i. 203). When the Arian supremacy came to an end at the death of Valens, in 378, Lucius was finally ejected, and repaired to Constantinople, but the Arians of Alexandria still regarded him as their bishop (Socr. v. 3). He lived for a time at Constantinople, and contributed to the Arian force which gave such trouble to Gregory of Nazianzus, during his residence in the capital as bishop of the few Catholics, from the beginning of 379. In Nov. 380 the Arian bp. [[Demophilus]] was expelled, and Lucius went with him. [[Theodoret]] (iv. 21) confounds Lucius with another Arian prelate of that name, also a persecutor, who usurped the see of Samosata (Tillem. vi. 593). </p> <p> [W.B.] </p>

== References ==
== References ==
<ref name="term_14857"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/a-dictionary-of-early-christian-biography/lucius+(16) Lucius from A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography]</ref>
<ref name="term_14860"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/a-dictionary-of-early-christian-biography/lucius+(11) Lucius from A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography]</ref>

Revision as of 14:37, 12 October 2021

A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography [1]

Lucius (11), the third Arian intruded into the see of Alexandria, an Alexandrian by birth, ordained presbyter by George. After the murder of that prelate Lucius seems to have been regarded as head of the Arians of Alexandria; but Socrates's statement (iii. 4), that he was at that time ordained bishop, is corrected by Sozomen (vi. 5) and earlier authorities. At the accession of Jovian, according to the Chronicon Acephalum, a Maffeian fragment, four leading Arian bishops put him forward to address the new emperor at Antioch, hoping to divert Jovian's favour from Athanasius. Records of these interviews are annexed to Athanasius's epistle to Jovian, and appear to have been read by Sozomen, who summarizes the complaints urged against the great hero of orthodoxy. The records are vivid and graphic. Lucius, Bernicianus, and other Arians presented themselves to Jovian at one of the city gates when he was riding into the country. He asked their business. They said they were "Christians from Alexandria," and wanted a bishop. He answered, "I have ordered your former bishop, Athanasius, to be put in possession." They rejoined that Athanasius had for years been under accusation and sentence of banishment. A soldier interrupted them by telling the emperor that they were the "refuse" of "that unhallowed George." Jovian spurred his horse and rode away. Lucius does not reappear until 367, when, having been consecrated, says Tillemont (vi. 582), "either at Antioch, or at some other place out of Egypt," he attempted to possess himself of the bishopric, and entered Alexandria by night on Sept. 23, and "remained in a small house," next the precinct of the cathedral. In the morning he went to the house where his mother still lived; his presence excited general indignation, and the people beset the house. The prefect Latianus and the dux Trajanus sent officers to expel him, who reported that to do so publicly would imperil his life, whereupon Tatianus and Trajanus, with a large force, went to the house, and brought him out at 1 p.m. on Sept. 24. On Sept. 25 he was conducted out of Egypt ( Chron. Praevium and Acephalum ). Athanasius died on May 2, 373, being succeeded by Peter; but the prefect Palladius attacked the church, and Peter was either imprisoned or went into hiding. Euzoius, the old Arian bp. of Antioch, easily obtained from Valens an order to install Lucius. Accordingly Lucius appeared in Alexandria, escorted, as Peter said in his encyclical letter (Theod. iv. 25), not by monks and clergy and laity, but by Euzoius, and the imperial treasurer Magnus, at the head of a large body of soldiers; while the pagan populace intimated their friendly feeling towards the Arian bishop by hailing him as one who did not worship the Son of God and who must have been sent to Alexandria by the favour of Serapis. Lucius surrounded himself with pagan guards, and caused some of the orthodox to be beaten, others to be imprisoned, exiled, or pillaged, for refusing his communion, these severities being actually carried out by Magnus and Palladius as representing the secular power. Gregory of Nazianzus calls him a second Arius, and lays to his charge the sacrileges and barbarities of the new Arian persecution ( Orat. xxv. 12, 13). He took an active part in the attack on the monks of Egypt; finding them immovably attached to the Nicene faith, he advised that their chief "abbats," the two Macarii, should be banished to a little pagan island; but when the holy men converted its inhabitants, the Alexandrian people made a vehement demonstration against Lucius, and he sent the exiles back to their cells (Neale, Hist. Alex. i. 203). When the Arian supremacy came to an end at the death of Valens, in 378, Lucius was finally ejected, and repaired to Constantinople, but the Arians of Alexandria still regarded him as their bishop (Socr. v. 3). He lived for a time at Constantinople, and contributed to the Arian force which gave such trouble to Gregory of Nazianzus, during his residence in the capital as bishop of the few Catholics, from the beginning of 379. In Nov. 380 the Arian bp. Demophilus was expelled, and Lucius went with him. Theodoret (iv. 21) confounds Lucius with another Arian prelate of that name, also a persecutor, who usurped the see of Samosata (Tillem. vi. 593).

