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Early [1]

ûr´li ( ὄρθρος , órthros , and related words; πρωΐ́ , prōı́ ): The word generally refers to the day, and means the hour of dawn or soon after ( Genesis 19:2;  2 Chronicles 36:15;  Hosea 6:4;  Luke 24:22 ). Sometimes it refers to the beginning of the season, e.g. the early rain ( Psalm 84:6;  James 5:7; see Rain ). It may also have the sense of "speedily" ( Psalm 46:5 ). The early morning is frequently commended as the hour for prayer. See examples of Jesus ( Mark 1:35;  Luke 21:38;  John 8:2 ); also Abraham ( Genesis 19:27 ), Jacob ( Genesis 28:18 ), Gideon ( Judges 6:38 ), Samuel ( 1 Samuel 15:12 ), David ( 1 Samuel 17:20 ).
