Mizpah [1]
Miz´pah. The word signifies a watch-tower, and is the name of several towns and places in lofty situations, whether furnished with a watch-tower or not.
Mizpah, 1
A town or city in Gilead . The place originated in the heap of stones set up by Laban, and to which he gave his name . Some confound this with the Mizpeh of Gilead in; but it is better to distinguish them [MIZPEH OF GILEAD, 3].
Mizpah, 2
A city of Benjamin, where the people had used to convene (;;;;; , sq.). It was afterwards fortified by Asa, to protect the borders against the kingdom of Israel . In later times it became the residence of the governor under the Chaldeans (, sq.; comp.;; ). Its position is nowhere mentioned in Scripture or by Josephus; but it could not have been far from Ramah, since King Asa fortified it with materials taken from that place; and that it was situated on an elevated spot is clear from its name. Neby Samwil, a poor village seated upon the summit of an elevated ridge about four and a half miles N.N.W. from Jerusalem, is supposed to correspond with the position of Mizpah.