Torn Tear

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Torn Tear [1]

1: Σπαράσσω
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(Strong'S #4682 — Verb — sparasso — spar-as'-so )

denotes "to tear, rend, convulse," Mark 1:26; 9:20 (in some mss.),26, RV, "having ... torn" (AV, "rent"); Luke 9:39 . In the Sept., 2 Samuel 22:8 , of the foundations of heaven; Jeremiah 4:18 , of the heart.

2: Συσπαράσσω
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(Strong'S #4952 — Verb — susparasso — soos-par-as'-so )

"to tear violently" (sun, "with," intensive), "convulse completely," a strengthened form of No. 1, is used in Mark 9:20 , in the best texts (some have No. 1); Luke 9:42 .

3: Διασπάω
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(Strong'S #1288 — Verb — diaspao — dee-as-pah'-o )

"to break or tear asunder," is translated "should be torn in pieces" in Acts 23:10 , RV (AV, "... pulled ..."). See Rend , No. 5.

4: Ῥήσσω
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(Strong'S #4486 — Verb — rhegnumi — hrayg'-noo-mee, hrace'-so )

"to break," is rendered "teareth" in Mark 9:18 , AV (RV, "dasheth ... down"). See Hinder , No. 1.
