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Likeminded [1]

1: Ἰσόψυχος
<audio> </audio> <button> ► </button>
(Strong'S #2473 — Adjective — isopsuchos — ee-sop'-soo-khos )

lit., "of equal soul" (isos, "equal," psuche, "the soul"), is rendered "likeminded" in Philippians 2:20 . In the Sept., Psalm 55:13 .

2: Ὁμόφρων
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(Strong'S #3675 — Adjective — homophron — hom-of'-rone )

(homos, "the same," phren, "the mind"), occurs in 1 Peter 3:8 , RV, "likeminded" (AV, "of one mind").

Romans 15:5 Philippians 2:2
