Lie In Wait

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Lie In Wait [1]

A — 1: Ἐνεδρεύω
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(Strong'S #1748 — Verb — enedreuo — en-ed-ryoo'-o )

"to lie in wait for, to lay wait for" (from en, "in," and hedra, "a seat," cp. B), occurs in Luke 11:54 , "laying wait for;" Acts 23:21 , "there lie in wait for."

Acts 23:30 Ephesians 4:14Wiles.

B — 1: Ἐνέδρα
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(Strong'S #1747 | 1749 — Noun Feminine — enedra | enedron — en-ed'-rah )

akin to A, "a lying in wait, an ambush," occurs in Acts 23:16 (where some mss. have the form enedron); Acts 25:3 , "laying wait," lit., "making an ambush." In the Sept., Joshua 8:7,9; Psalm 10:8 .
