Enticing Entice

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Enticing Entice [1]

A — 1: Δελεάζω
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(Strong'S #1185 — Verb — deleazo — del-eh-ad'-zo )

primarily, "to lure by a bait" (from delear, "a bait"), is used metaphorically in James 1:14 , of the "enticement" of lust; in 2 Peter 2:14 , of seducers, RV, "enticing," for AV, "beguiling;" in 2 Peter 2:18 , RV, "entice (in)," for AV, "allure (through)."

B — 1: Πειθός
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(Strong'S #3981 — Adjective — peithos — pi-thos' )

"apt to persuade" (from peitho, "to persuade"), is used in 1 Corinthians 2:4 , AV, "enticing," RV, "persuasive."

Colossians 2:4 Romans 16:18
