Beggar Beg Beggarly

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Beggar Beg Beggarly [1]

A — 1: Ἐπαιτέω
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(Strong'S #1871 — Verb — epaiteo — ep-ahee-teh'-o )

a strengthened form of aiteo, is used in Luke 16:3 .

A — 2: Προσαιτέω
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(Strong'S #4319 — Verb — prosaiteo — pros-ahee-teh'-o )

lit., "to ask besides" (pros, "towards," used intensively, and aiteo), "to ask earnestly, to importune, continue asking," is said of the blind beggar in John 9:8 . In Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35 certain mss. have this verb; the most authentic have prosaites, "a beggar," a word used in John 9:8 , as well as the verb (see the RV).

Matthew 27:58 Luke 23:52Ask.

B — 1: Πτωχός
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(Strong'S #4434 — Adjective — ptochos — pto-khos' )

an adjective describing "one who crouches and cowers," is used as a noun, "a beggar" (from ptosso, "to cower down or hide oneself for fear"), Luke 14:13,21 ("poor"); Luke 16:20,22; as an adjective "beggarly" in Galatians 4:9 , i.e., poverty-stricken, powerless to enrich, metaphorically descriptive of the religion of the Jews.

