Arian Bishop Of Hippo Regius Maximinus

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Arian Bishop Of Hippo Regius Maximinus [1]

Maximinus (6) , Arian bp. of Hippo Regius, who came with the Gothic soldiers into Africa a.d. 427, 428, and held a discussion with St. Augustine on the Trinity. Augustine, later, replied in 2 books, which, with that which contains the discussion, exhibit the arguments for and against the Arian doctrine. The line of argument taken by Augustine resembles so strongly that expressed in our Athanasian creed that if this were lost it might almost be supplied from this treatise. August. Coll. cum Max. and Contra Max. i. ii. Opp. vol. viii. pp. 719–819, ed. Migne; Vit. Poss. 17; Ceillier, vol. ix. 359–361.

