Magnoald Ziegelbauer

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Magnoald Ziegelbauer [1]

a Roman Catholic theologian of Germany, was born in 1696 at Elwangen, Suabia. In 1707 he entered the brotherhood of the Benedictine friars, and taught philosophy and theology at the convent of Zwiefalten and that of Reichenau. After having resided for a time near the learned, priest Bessel of Gottenich, who had been appointed to instruct the young friars, he passed many years at Vienna, and at Braunau and Prague, in Bohemia, and assisted in reorganizing the academic college at the last-named place. In 1747 he went to occupy the position of secretary of the Academy of the Unknown at Olm ü tz. Here he prepared a book in which he wished to call the attention of the pope to numerous abuses introduced among the clergy of these countries. Those interested in suppressing the publication of this work administered to him a poison powder by a physician. He died June 14, 1750, at Olmiutz. We have from Ziegeibauer, Historische Nachricht von der S. Georgenfahne (Vienna, 1735): — Acta S. Stephani Protomaityris (ibid. 1736), in German: — Novus Rei Litterarice Ord. S. Benedicti Conspectus (Ratisbon, 1739), a prospectus of a large and excellent collection which was published by Legipont after his death under the title Historia Rei Litter. Ord. S. Benedicti (Augsburg, 1754): — Elpitome Historica Monasterii Brennoniensis prope Pragam (Cologne, 1740): — Sponsalia Virginis (Konigshofen, 1740): — Historia Didactica de Crucis Cultu in Od. S. Benedicti (Vienna, 1746): — Centifolium Camaldulense (ibid. 1750), which is a prospectus of the historical library of the Camaldules. Ziegelbauer left in manuscript several works, such as Olomucium Sacrum and Bibliotheca Bohemica. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G é neral é, s.v.
