David Weston

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David Weston [1]

a Baptist minister, was born in North Middleborough, Mass., Jan. 26, 1836, and was a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1859, and of the Newton Theological Institution in the class of 1862. Soon after graduating he was ordained pastor of the Pleasant Street Baptist Church, Worcester, Mass., where he remained nearly eight years. He resigned on account of his health, and for two years was the principal of the Worcester Academy. For a short time he was pastor of the Central Baptist Church in Salem. Mass., from which place he removed to, Hamilton, N.Y., having accepted an appointment as professor in Madison University. His instruction was in ecclesiastical history in the theological department, and civil history in the collegiate department. After a service of two years and a half, he died, Feb. 21, 1875. Dr. Weston published a revised and valuable edition of Backus's History of the Baptists in New England (J. C. S.)
