Emanuel De Vega

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Emanuel De Vega [1]

a Spanish Jesuit, who acted as professor of theology at Wilna, in Lithuania, and died at Rome, Jan. 27, 1640 or 1648, wrote, De Eucharistia: De Missa: — De Cultu Imaginum et Invocatione Sanctorun: — De Vita et Miraculis Lutheri, Calvini et Bezae: De Principiis Fidei: — De Distributione Eucharistice sub Una Specie: — Defensio E'ternmc Christi Generationis Verceque Deitatis: — Qucestiones Selectee de Libertate Dei et Hominis, de Prcedestinatione, de Concordia Summorum nostri Temporis Theologorum (Rome, 1649). See Alegambe, Bibliothecda Scriptorum Societatis Jesu; Antonii Bibliotheca Hispanica; Jbcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten Lexikon, ‘ s.v. (B.P.)
