Charles Gostling Townley

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Charles Gostling Townley [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born in 1780. He devoted himself to the study of law, but with his brother Henry prepared himself for the ministry. After studying divinity at Hoxton Academy he began to preach in Ireland, laboring with self-denying devotedness for the good of both Romanists and Protestants. From 1817 to 1841 he preached in Limerick and vicinity. He then returned to England, where he resided at Brixton, afterwards at Pimlico, and became pastor of a small church at Mortlake, Surrey, where he erected school-houses at his own expense. He died at Pimlico, June 17, 1856. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1857, page 209.
