Joseph Marie Suares (Or Suarez)

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Joseph Marie Suares (Or Suarez) [1]

Suares (or Suarez), Joseph Marie

a French prelate and antiquarian, was born July 5, 1599, at Avignon, and educated at his native place. Having embraced the ecclesiastical state, he became the coadjutor of his uncle Francisco Suarez (q.v.) as provost of the cathedral; and afterwards went to Rome, where cardinal Barberini gave him charge of his library. Having received several additional honors, he was at length promoted by Urban VIII, in 1633, to the bishopric of Vaison, in which capacity: he attacked Calvinism; but he finally resigned in favor of his brother Charles, and retired to Rome, where he died, Dec. 7, 1677. His antiquarian writings are enumerated in Hoefer, Nouv. Biog, G neral, s.v.

His brother CHARLES JOSEPH, born at Avignon in 1618, became priest in 1641, succeeded to the bishopric of Vaison, in 1666, and died there Nov. 7, 1670.

A nephew of both the preceding, Louis ALPHONSE, born June 6, 1642, at Avignon, studied theology at the Seminary of St. Sulpice, succeeded his uncle as bishop of Vaison in 1671, held a synod there in 1673, and died March 13, 1685, near Sorgues, in Vaucluse,

A nephew of the last preceding, Louis MARIE, was bishop of Acqs (now Dax) in 1736, and died April 17, 1785.
