Joseph. Stinson

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Joseph. Stinson [1]

a Wesleyan minister, was born at Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England. He was converted at Gainsborough when about twenty years of age, received into the ministry in 1823. and appointed to eastern Canada. From 1829 to 1832 he labored on the Gibraltar mission, leaving the Church there in much prosperity. In 1833 he resumed his work in Canada, spending three years in Kingston and five in Toronto being general superintendent of missions and president of the Canadian Conference in 1838. In 1842 he for the first time received an appointment to a circuit in England (Sevenoaks), and after laboring in Sheffield, Leeds, London, Bradford, and Manchester, he again left for Canada. In 1858 he was again elected president of the Canadian Conference, and he spared no labor to meet the demands upon his time and talents. There was a genial warmth and suavity in his spirit and manners; he had a well-cultivated mind and a fine taste. He died in Toronto, August 26, 1862, in his sixty-first year. See Minutes of the British Conference, 1867, page 18; Minutes of Canadian Conferences, 1863; Carroll, Case and His Contemporaries, index, volume 5.
