Caspar Timotheus Seidel

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Caspar Timotheus Seidel [1]

a Lutheran divine of Germany, was born Sept. 20, 1703, at Schoneberg, in Brandenburg, and died as doctor of divinity and abbot of K ö nigslutter, at Helmst ä dt, May 30, 1758. He wrote, Dissertatio, in qua ostenditur Pontifaces in Ritu Confirmationis a Praxi Ecclesioe Apostol. plane Aberrare (Helmstadt, 1732): — Programma de Quoestione an Christus Pascham suam Ultimam Uno Eodemque Die cum Judoeis comederet, necne? (ibid. 1748): — Abhandlung ü ber die Sekte der Elcenseiten (ibid. 1749): — Anweisung zur Erkl ä rung der heil. Schrift (Halle, 1759). See F ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 308; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur. (B.P.)
