Abraham Ibn Sabba

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Abraham Ibn Sabba [1]

a Jewish writer of the 16th century, who was banished with thousands of Jews from Lisbon in 1499, is the author of a very extensive commentary on the Pentateuch, entitled The Bundle of Myrrh צרור המור, in which he largely avails himself of the zohar and other early cabalistic works. The commentary was first published at Constantinople in 1514; then at Venice in 1523, 1546, 1566, and at Cracow in 1595. Pellican has translated this commentary into Latin, and the MS. of this version is in the Zurich library. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. s.v. Ginsburg, Kabbalah, page 123; Lindo, History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal, page 266; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten- Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
