Joseph Levin Saalschutz
Joseph Levin Saalschutz [1]
a learned German rabbi, was born in K ö nigsberg, March 15, 1801, and was educated in his native place, where he was also made doctor of philosophy in 1824, having presented for this purpose to the faculty an elaborate treatise on the Urim and Thummin. In the following year he published Von der Form der hebr. Poesie, nebst einer Abhandlung uber die Musik der Hebraer (K ö nigsberg, 1825), which he republished with two additional treatises under the title Form und Geist der biblisch-hebr. Poesie (ibid. 1853). He then went to Berlin, where he was engaged in the Jewish public school (1825-29), at the same time prosecuting his archaeological researches. In 1829 he was called as rabbi to Vienna, where he remained until 1835, when he was called for the same position in his native place. Here he continued the remainder of his life, and published the following works: Forschungen im Gebiete der hebraisch- ä gyptischen Arch ä ologie (1838-49, 3 vols.): — Das mosaische Recht (1846-48; 2 vols.; Berlin, 1863, 2d ed.): — Arch ä ologie der Hebr ä er (1856, 2 vols.) — Die Ehe nach biblischer Vorstellung (1858) — Die klassischen Studien und der Orient (1850). In 1849 he was appointed privat-docent in philosophy at the University of K ö nigsberg — the first Jew who ever received such an appointment — and was afterwards made honorary professor. He died Aug. 23, 1863. See F ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 182 sq.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theologica, 2, 1103; Kitto, Cyclop. s.v.; Jost, Gesch. d. Judenth. u. s. Secten, 3, 362; Theologisches Universal-Lexikon, s.v.; Kayserling, Bibliothekj ü discher Kanzelredner, 2, 85 sq.; Jolowicz, Gesch. d. Juden in K ö nigsberg (Posen, 1867), p. 130 sq.; Ben Chananya (1864), p. 749 sq. (B.P.)