William Matticks Rogers

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William Matticks Rogers [1]

a Congregational minister, was born on the island of Alderney. Sept. 10, 1806. His name was Samuel M. Ellen Kittle, which was changed to Rogers after he became a preacher. When ten years of age he was brought to the United States, and lived with his uncle, Capt. W. M. Rogers, at Dorchester. He graduated at Harvard College in 1827, studied theology at the Andover Seminary, became pastor of the Evangelical Congregational Church, Townsend, Mass., where he remained five years, and was installed, Aug. 6, 1835, pastor of the Franklin Street Church, Boston, and died Aug. 11, 1851. He published An Address at the Dedication of the New Hall of Bradford Academy (1841), and a couple of occasional sermons. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 2, 730.
