Johann Gottlieb Heinrich Rhode

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Johann Gottlieb Heinrich Rhode [1]

a Protestant theologian, was born in 1762, and died at Breslau, August 28, 1837. He wrote, Ueber religiose Bildung, Mythologie und Philosophie der Hindus (Leipsic, 1827, 2 volumes): — Die heilige Sage und das gesammte Religionssystem der alten Bactrer, Meder, Perser und des Zendvolkes (Frankfort, 1820): — Gregorii Barhebraei Scholia in Psalmum et xviii Edita, Translata, etc. (Breslau, 1832): — Prolegomenorum ad Quaestionum de Evangelio Apostoloque Marcionis Denuo Instituendam Caput 1-3 (1834). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:519, 521; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. s.v. (B.P.)
