Franz Xaver Reithmayr

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Franz Xaver Reithmayr [1]

doctor and professor of theology, a Roman Catholic divine of Germany, was born in 1809 at Illkofen, near Regensburg. In 1832 he was made priest; in 1836 the Munich University made him doctor of theology; in 1837 he was extraordinary professor; in 1841 ordinary professor of the New Test. exegesis, and died Jan. 26, 1872. Reithmayr was one of the most prominent theologians of the Roman Catholic Church, and published in 1838 a work on patrology, in 1845 a Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (Regensb. 1845). In 1832 he published his Introduction to the Canonical Books of the New Testament (ibid.); and in 1865 a Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. His last great work was the edition of a German translation of the fathers, which he edited in connection with others, and which is still in the course of publication at Kempten, under the title Bibliothek der Kirchenviter. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. ii, 977,1051; Literarischer Handweiser, 1871, p. 52 sq., 106; 1872. p. 142. (B. P.)
