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Pick [1]

a name common to several Hebrew literati, of whom we mention the following:

1. AARON. — When and where he was born, and when lie became a Christian, we do not know. From his publicatiios we see, what he states himself, that he was formerly professor of Hebrew and Chaldee at the University of Prague. He afterwards resided at London, where he published A Literal Translationfrnom the Hebrew of the Twelve Minor Prophets, with Notes and Critical Remarks (Lond. 1833; 2d ed., without notes, ibid. 1835; 3d ed. 1838): — A Treatise on the Hebrew Accents (ibid. 1837): — The Bible Student's Concordance, by which the English Reader may be enabled readily to ascertain the Literal Meaning of any Word in the Sacred Original (ibid. 1840, 1850, 4to); a work of little account to scholars: — The Gathering of Israel (ibid. 1845). When Pick died we do not know. See Steinschneider, Bibliographisches Handbuch (Berl. 1859), page 111; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.

2. ISRAEL, the founder of the Amenian Congregation, was born at Seuftenberg, Bohemia, about the year 1825. After attaining maturity, he obtained his livelihood by writing for periodicals at Vienna till the year 1852, when he received an appointment to act as rabbi for the Jewish synagogue in Bucharest, the chief city of the present Roumania. In the latter part of 1853, having been impressed in favor of the Christian religion, lie boldly confessed his faith in Christ crucified; was baptized at Breslau, Silesia, Jan. 1,1854, on which occasion Pick delivered an address to the Jews assembled at the Hofkirche.Viewing the promises given to the Jewish people in the Old Testament from a Hebraic standpoint, Pick :intended to constitute in the Holy Land a congregation of the people of God, consisting of Jewish Christians. The whole Mosaic law, including the Jewish Sabbath and circumcision, alongside of baptism and theLord's Supper, he intended to make the basis of ecclesiastical and civil organization. Here and there he was successful in winning some believers, whom he called the Armenian Congregation, because in Christ (the אלהי אמן, Isaiah 65:16) all promises of the Old Covenant are yea and amen. The nucleus of this congregation was in Munchen-Stadbach. In the year 1857 Pick went to Palestine, in order to reconnoitre the field for a settlement of his adherents, where, however, he disappearedwithout leaving any traces. He wrote, Israel hat eine Idee zu tragen: ein Wort an mein Volk (Breslau, 1854; Engl. translation, "A Word to my People," Edinburgh, 1854): — Der Gott der Synagoge und der Gott der Judenchristen (ibid.): — Briefe an meine Stammesgenossen (Hamburg, 1854): — Der Stern aus Jacob (ibid. 1855-56): — Wider Stahl und Bunsen (Barmen, 1856). See Kurtz, Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte (7th ed. Mitau, 1874), 2:445; Niedner, Lehrbuch der christlichen Kirchengeschichte (Berlin, 1866), page 950; Jewish Intelligencer (Lond. 1854), page 302 sq.; Pick, In Saat auf Hoffnung (Leips.), 1857; Zuchhold, Bibliotheca Theologica, 2:995. (B.P.)
