Philip The Presbyter

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Philip The Presbyter [1]

an Eastern ecclesiastic of the 5th century, was, according to Gennadius (De Viris Illustr. c. 62), a disciple of Jerome, and died in the reign of Marcian and Avitus over the Eastern and Western empires respectively, i.e., A.D. 456. Philip wrote, 1. Commentarius in Jobum; 2. Familiares Epistolae, of which Gennadius, who had reiad them, speaks highly. These Epistolae have perished: but a Commentarius in Jobum addressed to Nectarius has been several times printed, sometimes separately under the name of Philip (Basle, 1527, two edit. fol. and 4to), and sometimes under the name and among the works of the Venerable Bede and of Jerome. Vallarsi and the Benedictine editors of Jerome give the Commentarius in their editions of that father (5, page 78, etc., ed. Benedict.; volume 11) col. 565, etc., ed. Vallarsi), but not as his. The Prologus or Prcefatio ad Nectariunm are omitted, and the text differs very widely from that given in the Cologne edition of Bede (1612, fol. 4:447. etc.), in which the work is given as Bede's, without any intimation of its doubtful authorship. Cave, Oudin, and Vallarsi agree in ascribing the work to Philip, though Vallarsi is not so decided in his opinion as the other two. See Gennadius. l.c.; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 440, 1:434; Oudin, De Scriptor. Eccles. volume 1, col. 1165; Vallarsi, Opera Hieron. volume 3, col. 825, etc.; volume 11, col. 565, 566; Fabricius, Biblioth. Med. et Infim. Latin. 5:295, ed. Mansi.
