Paul Of Constantinople

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Paul Of Constantinople [1]

a historian of note, was a native of Persia, and is said to have been a disciple of the heresiarch Nestorius. Nothing is known of his personal history except that he was a deacon of the Church of Constantinople, and one of the most ardent supporters of Nestorianism at the time of the outbreak of the controversy respecting it. He wrote a work, De Judicio, and apparently another work, De vero Bono. A fragment of the former is quoted in the proceedings of the Lateran Council, held under pope Martin I, A.D. 649 (Actio s. Secretarius V, apud Concilia, vol. 6, col. 320, ed. Labbe ), and by the confessor St. Maximus, in his Tomus Dogmaticus adversus Heraclii Ecthesin (Opera, 2:91, ed. Combefis). An extract on the subject indicated by the title of the second work, and from which the existence of the work itself is inferred, is among the Excerpta Miscellanea extant in MS. in the Imperial Library at Vienna. It may be that the title is appropriate only to the extract, and this may have been taken from the work De Judicio. See Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 436, 1:426.
