Thomas Parnell

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Thomas Parnell [1]

an English divine, noted however rather in the field of belles-lettres than in theology, was born at Dublin in 1679. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he was passed as master in 1700. In the same year, though under canonical age, he was ordained deacon by dispensation from the bishop of Derry. About three years later he took orders and became archdeacon of Clogher. He received also other preferments through the interest of Swift, when he deserted the Whig party on their fall in the latter part of the reign of queen Anne. Parnell was a contributor to the Spectator and Guardian, and, after flying to London from his Irish parsonage, became irate with the leading men of letters. His poetry comes nearer to Pope's, in sweetness of verification, than do any other verses of the time; and he has not only much felicity of diction, but also a very pleasing seriousness of sentiment, shown in such pieces as his popular allegory, The Hermit. His death, which occurred in 1718, is said to have been hastened by intemperate habits, and these his friends have attributed to the grief he felt for the loss of his wife. See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, ii, s.v.; English Cyclop. s.v., for further details and references.
