Pedro De Obregon

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Pedro De Obregon [1]

a Spanish painter, was born at Madrid, according to Bennudez, in 1597. He studied under Vincenzo Carducci, and gained a high reputation in historical painting, especially in works of an easel size. Palomino commends a large picture by him, representing the Trinity, in the refectory of the convent de la Merced, and another of the Immaculate Conception in the church of Santa Cruz. There are some of his easel pictures in the collection at Madrid, where they are highly esteemed. Bennudez says Obregon was also an excellent engraver. He had two sons, Diego and Marcos, whom he instructed in the art. He died in 1659. There was another Pedro de Obregon, who was a' miniaturist, and illuminated books of devotion; he flourished about 1564.
