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Oenomaus [1]

( Οἰνόμαος ) , of Gadara, a cynic philosopher, flourished in the reign of Hadrian, or somewhat later, but before Porphyry (Syncell. p. 349 b; Suid. s.v.). He was one of those later Cynics whose philosophy consists not so much in any definite system of doctrine as in a free and unrestrained tone of thought and life. Thus the emperor Julian charges him with sensuality and profaneness; and his sarcasms upon the old cynic doctrines have led some to believe, but without reason, that he belonged to some other sect (Julian, Orat. 6:199; 7:209, ed. Spanheim). Suidas mentions as his works, Περὶ Κυνισμοῦ; Πολιτεία: — Περί τῆς καθ᾿ ῞Ομηρον Φιλοσοφίας : Περὶ Κράτητος καὶ Διογένους καὶ τῶν λοιπῶν. This list, however, does not include the work which is best known to us, namely, his exposure of the oracles, which is sometimes entitled Κατὰ τῶν Χρηστηρίων ; but the proper title seems to have been Γοήτων Φωρά, i.e. Delectio Praes stigiatorum. Considerable extracts from this work are preserved by Eusebius, who tells us that (Enomaus was provoked to write it in consequence of having been deceived himself by an oracle (Eusebius, Praep. Evang. v. 18 sq.; 6:1; Socrates, H. E. 4:13; Niceph. 10:36; Theodorel. Therap. 6:36; 10:141 a). Julian also speaks of tragedies by (Enomaus ( Orat. 7:210).
