Neology [1]
(from νέος , new, and λόγος, doctrine), a term synonymous with καινοδοξία, καινοτομία , is expressive of a tendency to novelty, not from a feeling of its superiority, but simply on account of its newness. The word is not classically used, yet νεολογία would not be contrary to the analogy of language, and would be equivalent to the nomina mutare (as Cicero, De Fin, 3:5, says of Zeno: "Non tam rerum inventor fuit, quam novorum verborum"). Neology, then, is an unnecessary innovation in language, thought, or usage, and dangerous in so far as it disturbs continuity and is the result of fancy. In theology the term is used especially to designate the rationalistic theories opposed to revealed religion which have obtained such success among certain German and English theologians. These resort to the novel expedient of reducing the standard of the doctrine and facts of Scripture to the level of unassisted human reason. (See Rationalism). (J.H.W.)